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TSL merging USM and DAHC?


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I was wondering if anyone has had any success or tips for merging these two mods? They both seem to use globalcat.2da, but neither seems to have a patcher. I know I can edit the 2da manually, but if I understand correctly most references to globalcat.2da are by line number and not by the variable name. So I don't know how practical it may be to try and run both of these mods at the same time. One thing I was wondering about is which files to tend access globalcat, would it be the scripts, dlg's, something else, or anything goes?

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I ran both of them at the same time with no problems, so it shouldn't have any effect for you either. Unless there are some other mods that you're running that conflict with both of them.


Well I opened up the globalcat.2da files for both and they seem to conflict, theres a few lines that DAHC uses for keeping track of the bounties that USM uses for tracking training some of the NPCs you can turn into jedi's. I think I might have to edit the dialogue files that use those lines numbers in one mod or the other. I just can't figure out yet whether or not those lines in globalcat are used anywhere else. I'm thinking it might be easier to rewrite the USM files since they provided source scripts and aren't packed into MOD files.


Argh nevermind I just went thru the USM readme and it said the line numbers in globalcat don't matter. Good lordy when will I learn to RTFM. Ah well problem solved.

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