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[FIC] Nom Anor : An Executor Always Has An Escape plan...


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Hurray, 500 views!


As for the final showdown, I won't give anything away, but don't expect it to go all swimmingly for any of them...




“What is it with Jedi?” The comm system boomed, the voice clearly identifiable as Nom Anor's. “For one who profess such an affinity with the Force, you have far too many qualms about joining with it.”


With the droids at least temporarily defeated, the party of three had divided, cautiously hunting down the hunters. Luke himself had taken a lower path of the ground floor, and edged on with his blade lit and poised.


With a cascade of falling rock, the ceiling to the end of the corridor gave way, landing down a massive hulking form. Unable to see what it was until the dust cleared, Luke could only stand with a general stance of defense.


As the rocky mist gave way, the arrival became recognized.


“Haven't I already killed you?” He asked, slightly more mockingly than he would of liked, but mostly as a way of covering his shock.


Despite his master's confident approach, it was Shimrra who had reached the temple first. This plan had been his proposal before the other two had even considered it, his hatred for Skywalker burning more than a flammable planet cast into a sun. Now, it was to be unleashed.


Spinning the Rakata blades in his hands, he moved forward. The walk became a stride, then a run, his arms spread wide and ready for combat.


With a clash that involved all three weapons, the foes met. As the moment held, they spoke.


“Shimrra! You know I'm sorry for what I did, but you had to be stopped!”


The other laughed, harshly and in his face.


“You are sorry for nothing, Jedi fool. No man who thwarted the great Yuuzhan Vong could feel anything but pride. Perhaps it is only a lesson you pretend not to learn, gripping to your Jedi ideals. For now, there is only one lesson you truly need to embrace ; I cannot


With a hard thrust of his knee, Shimrra send the Jedi master flying back, Luke just managing balance and landing on his feet.


“So be it, Shimrra. If you fail to learn from your past death, I can only educate you with the one of your future.”


With that, the two fought. It was a thing of hate, countered by expert calm. Metal and energy blades colliding at last with vengeance in mind. The attacks were powered and blocks precise.


With twirling force, Shimrra advanced on his opponent, slowly backing him out of the temple.


* * *


The wave of dark energy struck Jaina like a Wookie's right hook. Who ever the mysterious woman claiming the title of 'Sith Lord' truly was, her abilities were about to be tested.


“Hey, Jedi.” A voice mocked.


As Jaina turned to face it, greeting came in the shape of massive boulder hurtling through the corridor and coming straight for her. It couldn't have been a thing the enemy thought would actually hit her, the Jedi reflexes easily rolling her out of the way. It could only have been a ploy, a chance for the Sith to show her power was not in doubt.


Slowly coming to her feet, Jania got her first real look at the new enemy.


They was roughly the same height, but that was where all similarities abruptly ended. Her hair was wild and fresh-blood red. Intense power glistened in her eyes and two Sith weapons were already drawn.


“It's been far too long since I last killed a Jedi.” She spoke, igniting the blades. “Let's hope I haven't gotten too rusty.”


“You've never been up against a Solo.” Jaina replied, activating her own.


“I've slaughtered countless Jedi and even some of my own kind. This will not be the day of my death.”


“Really? Who's to say it's mine?”


“Vimack, young Jedi. You may call me Vimack.”


In one of the moves Jaina would have least expected, the Sith threw up her arms and launched both sabers at her. With a Force powered cartwheel, she just managed to avoid one and deflect the other. As soon as she could refocus her sight, three more blurs were already propelled toward her, followed by a much larger forth which could only be Vimack herself.


With barely a full thought, she raised her hand, invisibly pushing with all her might. The projectile lightsabers scattered around the corridor, but it was hardly enough to stop the Sith Lord. With little time to do anything else, Janina ducked, sending Vimack flying over her in a whirl of black and red.


The creature smashed into the wall, sending dust and muck everywhere. Realizing how much hesitation could cost, Jaina immediately darted after her, carrying the fight outside.


* * *


Jacen, since his uncle had failed to give any further instructions than to simply 'split up', had made his way to the very roof.


He looked out at the sunlit day, somehow already aware of which of the enemy he would now face. Without looking back, he could feel the perverted sense of Nom Anor slowly moving to join him.


“Why do you do it, Executor? It is a part of your species to embrace the pain the universe affords you. Why is it only you who seeks to revenge against those who cause it?”


“I am no longer a mere member of my species, Jacen Solo. I have become something born of your own nightmares and only conceivable in myth. I have become that which can remove the arrogance of the Jedi from this galaxy once and for all. I have become the Nom Anor I once dreamed of.”


“There are others things in this galaxy you might do, Executor. You needn't be what you are. For the Jedi, there always comes a time when there is a great choice to make. To follow the way of the light, or to succumb to the dark side. Why not regain your honor, instead of trying to justify your failings?”


A response of silence gave false hope to young Jacen, but it was not meant to be. Nom Anor's lightsaber beamed to life, and could be heard cutting through the air on it's way to an attacking pose. With Jacen moving to grip his weapon, Nom Anor leaped.


The impact sent the two warriors tumbling off the rooftop and spiraling down to the ground. Nom Anor's reserve did not falter with a simple interference of gravity, his blade still wildly hacking at Jacen as they fell. For a few seconds, there was awesome display of skill between the two. With no ground beneath their feet, they fought anyway, blocks and attacks between the two of them gaining no real advantage to one or the other.


With weapons steadily gripped in their hands, they landed on the grass outside, scattering a group of nearby battle droids. For a moment, they looked at each other, Jacen's meditative face perfectly countering Nom Anor's scowl.


The Yuuzhan Vong jumped up, baring his weapon down of Jacen, who just managed to bring his own around for an effective block.


With the sound of combat to his his side, Jacen stole a glance to see Luke backing out of the temple with a monstrous enemy advancing on him. He nearly chocked when he realized who it was, but was quickly distracted by even more sounds of combat coming from behind. He didn't need to look for that one. He knew only too well by now the feeling of his twin sister through the Force.


With the weapons of the enemy flowing quicker than they could handle, the three Jedi backed slowly into each other. It was only a latter of time until there was no-where left to go.


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Another slow step towards the end...



“I am told that a Jedi's last words can be the most prolific of his life.” commented Nom Anor. “What are they to be Skywalker?”


With the three of them physically back to back, the enemy had stopped, choosing to mock them before the final blow. Jacen and Jaina were steadfast, but Luke allowed himself to consider Nom Anor's words.


What if this really was to be the end? What words could be worthy of the legend of Luke Skywalker? Last words of Yoda, and even his own father sprung to mind, but for some reason it was those final words spoken to him by Ben Kenobi, a last advice before leaving for the Death star generator, which came to him right now ; 'Remember, the Force will be with you. Always.'


To the dismay of his niece and nephew, Luke deactivated his weapon and threw it to the ground.


“Oh, come now Skywalker.” Nom Anor laughed. “Be sporting.”


“There is nothing prolific about this meeting, Nom Anor. This is nothing more than a final attempt to save yourself from total humility.”


Nom Anor sneered back him. It was a good enough reaction, but Luke really didn't have a clue where he was going with this. He was fueled by an instinct at the back of his mind, some glimmer of hope he knew was there but couldn't quite see. Drawing it from his limbs, he poured the Force into his words and let them flow.


“If I am to truly speak my last words Executor Nom Anor, then let them be words about you : You are no true Yuuzhan Vong ; you are no true Sith ; you are no true evil, and you are no true self. Because of this, ...there will always be hope for you.”


The words cut Nom Anor deeper than the sharpest blade, tearing into his soul and exploding in a wave of sensation up his back. It was wiser then the rehearsed rhetoric the likes of Jacen Solo had fed him, desperately clinging to a forged humanity in order to convey him to the 'good' cause. This was truth, bold and vivid in all it's twisted glory. A true definition for the creature called Nom Anor.


His allies turned the smallest bit to look at him, confused by the reaction. All Luke needed to do was smile back.


The silence was broken by the thunderous sound of throttled engines from above. Jacen, Jaina, Shimrra and Vimack, all cranked their necks to see an incoming fleet of ragtag ships descending on the planet. The two Jedi smiled, both knowing what it was. The peace brigade had arrived.


Despite this, Luke and Nom Anor failed to move. The stare remained, constant and hard. One peered into the others resolve as none ever had.


Just beyond the rim of his fixed stare, Nom Anor could see Shimrra and Vimack attacking with one final burst of fury. The fight was silent to his ears, the Yuuzhan Vong still fixated on Luke Skywalker as if he were the only thing in the galaxy.


In no time at all, the Peace Brigade had landed and exited their ships. With Bal Danneks leaving his hiding place, he lead an armed troop of the hundred most war experienced men to the main battle ground and surrounded the enemy.


“Throw down your weapons, Vong!” He cried.


Shimrra first of all looked at Nom Anor. Finding him in a daze, he made his own decision and dropped his weapons.


Vimack was not as easy to coax. She stood there looking at Jaina with frustrated hate.


“Throw down your weapons!” The cry went out again.


“Yeah, right.” She muttered.


With the quickest spurt she could muster, she leapt for Jaina. The Jedi primed her weapon, but hardly needed it. A well aimed blaster shot from Bal threw out of the surrounding crowd and hit her squarely on the back, sending her body quivering and collapsed on the ground.




Both Nom Anor and Shimrra had yelled it, and even glanced at each other for a fraction of a second, the true perceptions of their comrade revealed.


With Nom Anor still in some level of shock over how twisted the whole situation had become, it was Shimrra who came to her aid, hunched down on one knee and holding her head in his massive hand.


“Shimrra...” She quietly spoke, her hair teetering between red and black, the two aspects of her personality colliding.


“I...I...” He tried, trying to find the best words possible to explain himself.


The woman stared back, a soft smile on her lips. The light between her eyes slowly faded towards death...


...but were then replaced with fire.


With a hiss, Vimack plunged her fingertips hard into Shimrra's stomach. The trees and rock shook with red lightening flashing both in and around them. Energy cracked between the two forms with a dark power all those who could sense it cowered against.


Shimrra yelled, a force assaulting his veins and into his head. With a final, simultaneous shout from both of them, they collapsed.


Nom Anor edged forward, his hand visibly latched to his weapon. Just behind him, he could feel Skywalker ready to help if what they had both sensed was true.


Shimrra stirred, gripping the earth to raise himself back up. Turning to regard his master and enemy, his eyes stared.
eyes. They were alight and shining with the full spectrum glory of his living self. The dark side of the Force streamed from his essence.


Vimack had found it's new host.


With something closer to a howl than any yell, he reached up his mighty arm and blew out a wave of invisible energy, strong enough to knock back everyone there. It was exactly the power Vimack had used in the Korriban cave, and here turned against them.


Before any of them could react, the new enemy sped off into the forest. Nom Anor could do little more than stand there, his grand plan now utterly shattered.


It was Jaina who snapped him out of it, running to the aid of Quane who was miraculously still breathing. Her brother was quick to join, the two of them combining healing power to save the fading life.


The boom of sublight engines echoed from behind the temple. With what could only be Vimack at it's controls, the Avenging Eagle sped into the sky and up beyond the atmosphere.


“Where's he going?” Asked Luke, the question specifically aimed at Nom Anor.


He could only shake his head. Where indeed would the traitor be heading? They dare not return to Korriban, or any populated world for that matter. In the body of Quane, it may have been possible to escape into society unnoticed, but Shimrra rather stood out. The only possibility was the Rakata planet, and there the temple.


Fear caught him off guard as the Sith's plan came to light.


“There's a planet, the one where I found...it.” He explained. “There was an energy there, something forgotten by the galaxy. It's what gave me the powers, something to do with reacting to my void in the Force. With Shimrra's body and Vimack's abilities...”


He didn't need to explain any further. Whatever Vimack was able to do with the remnants of the Star Forge, it couldn't bode well for the galaxy. Luckily, he'd been sure to securely lock and barricade the secret room's entrance, but that wouldn't keep forever.


“You'll have to take me there.” Proposed Luke.


Nom Anor nodded, regretting that it had come to this with one he had so ardently hunted, but agreeing that it was the only way.


“We're coming too!” Joined Jaina.


“No, you're going to look after her.” Replied Nom Anor, pointing at Quane.




“You stay with her, or I don't tell you where the planet is.”


Jacen smiled. “Nom Anor actually caring for someone else. Perhaps anything is possible.”


The comment wasn't something they had the time to consider. With his checkmate declared, Nom Anor turned back to Luke.


“We'll take my X-wing, it's probably the fastest here." The Jedi suggested. "The Peace Brigade can catch up and hopefully not be too late.”


“And how do you suggest we both fit in your one man fighter?”


“Well...you can sit on my knee.”


He rolled his good eye. With a spurt in their steps they took off for the ship, Rakata Prime and the last tale the galaxy would ever hear of Nom Anor.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Apologies to any ardent readers for the lack of updates this close to the end (blame exams/coursework), but anyway, I've actually finished both now and will post the last chapters on a daily basis...




Realizing Skywalker was by far better suited to fly, it had been Nom Anor playing the role of seat cushion. The X-Wing was far from comfortable in this position and his insistence on squirming was beginning to grate of the pilot.


“You know, some people would feel honored to fly in this ship.” Luke commented.


“A short term supporting your Nubian rear would soon change their mind, I'm sure.”


He couldn't help letting his mind consider what would happen if he were to kill the Jedi Master, right here and now. His Plaeryin Bol eye was already aimed directly into the back of his neck. It would be so easy.


But still, he may need him. Vimack had grown powerful, more even than he cared to accept. As they came out of hyperspace to Rakata Prime, the dark Force energy streaming from the planet could be felt by both of them.


“Okay, Executor.” Luke continued, now with much more seriousness in his tone. “Where are we going?”


Nom Anor indicated the landing spot on the display and the fighter took them in.


* * *


The landing spot was eerie. By pure chance Luke had landed upon the exact same beachhead as Nom Anor had first crashed. The irony of the repetition, if led by the Force, felt as if, just perhaps, it was trying to tell him something.


Their arrival was heralded by the greeting of the Rakatas he had so readily abandoned. Nothing seemed too amiss about them until they drew closer. Their skins had become withered and their eyes pale.


“What happened to you?” He asked.


The reply was slow and pained.


“It is the absence of Quanemlayne, Nom Anor. No longer does she guide our lives. No longer does she protect us. Not for much longer can we hope to survive.”


The Executor could easily have gotten over the sight, but he knew the Jedi wouldn't be so quick to ignore. He even approached with the pace and outspread arms of a savior.


“What's wrong with you?”


“There's an insect here.” Nom Anor intervened. “Nasty bite. Sends your skin all nasty, but you recover in a few days.”


He doubted Luke believed him, especially with the sarcastic tone it was delivered, but either way he nodded, conceding that they had a greater enemy to crush than illness.


With a thunderous crash from the direction of the temple, the reunion was interrupted. Man, Vong and alien all turned to it expecting the worst. Recognising what it was, the Rakata began vigorously shaking his head, and finally falling to his knees.


“What is it?” Asked Luke. “What's wrong?”


The madness was too heavy for a coherent reply. Seeing every other Rakata slowly adopt similar stances and scream to the sky for help against their end, the two Force wielders ran for tall building. Coming face to face with what Vimack was unleashing, the two of them couldn't help it. They had to stop and stare.


The powers of Quanemlayne already learned, the Sith Lord was free to abuse them to her will. Ignoring any ideas of trying to reach the power source through the locked door, she had chosen to dig, and the creepers were her servants. The chamber directly under the open area before the entrance, every plant had been summoned, leaving the ends of almost a hundred creepers a wide open area to dig.


There was no longer a grassy grove, just a pit. With one good eye, Nom Anor's depth perception had always been a little off, but unless he was gravely mistaken they had almost reached the chamber.


Vimack herself, now encased in the form of Shimrra, spotted them immediately from the top of the entry ramp. The glowing spectrum eyes followed until the Jedi and Executor reached the edge of the pit.


“The time and chance to stop me has come and gone, Executor.” The deep voice announced, echoing against the walls of the vast hole below.


“Maybe I'm here to join you.” Nom Anor answered, a reply that earned him a rightly suspicious glare from Luke. “There is only one think you can want do here, Vimack. You will join yourself with what is left of the Star Forge, as with what happened to my masquer, only you are no Yuuhzan Vong. There is no
flesh for the creature named Vimack.”


“I will become
!!! I will mock those who came before me and called themselves 'Sith'. They claim to manipulate the Force and bend it to their will, but what do they have to show for it? Cheap tricks! A telekinetic movement here, a flash of lightening there. What manner of control is this? With the Star Forge itself fueling my being, what will I even need with these shells to contain me? The Force
will bend to my will!”


“Even more reason to join you.”


“You see the truth? You see the power?”


“I already have some of it in me. I already know what it is capable of. I would be a fool not to.”


“Then bow! Swear yourself to me as I did once to you.”


Luke about to burst with objections, Nom Anor moved to kneel. Before knee could touch the ground however, he rose, a single finger pointing to the air.


“But then again,” He continued, “I
Nom Anor, not one to be taken as faithful at the best of times, and you Vimack, you Sith Lord, so twisted now that even the ghostly visions of your fallen brethren try to destroy you. What are you?


“You are the fool. A remnant, a fallen knight of an old republic not important in this galaxy for over four-thousand years. You are the last of an almost forgotten time, Vimack. You are nothing more than that lingering presence that always survives.


“And you are nothing more than my last obstacle. You see, I'm somewhat at the end of my tether right now. The Jedi have rused me, the Peace Brigade clambers for my blood, and even my own people have left to some erroneous rim of the galaxy. In short, I have nothing left but you, Vimack, and the utter want for your death.”


Nom Anor ignited his weapon, followed closely by Luke. Bellowing out it's laugh, the creature called Vimack raised up it's arms. The creepers had just broken into the chamber, unleashing the bright glow of the Star Forge energy.


Reaching to the adjoining room, the creepers collected two small, cylindrical weapons and hoisted them up to their master, obediently lying one in each hand. The red glowing blade activated on each.


Whether by the will of Vimack or it's own, the spherical ball of blue light began to rise up from the pit. The opponent's eyes met, each knowing this to be the last chance to stop the other.


Their enemy waiting, Nom Anor and Luke Skywalker leaped, blades in hand and a last hope in heart.


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Well the 'views' keep going up, so I know some people are still reading it. Anyway, next chapter...




The creepers whipped in at their master's call, desperately trying to block those who would disrupt their valuable work. Plants as they were, they didn't put up too much of a struggle, lightsaber effortlessly slicing through them. If he didn't know any better, Nom Anor could swear the first of them to be the one which had stung him his first day here, and took a great pride in carving it up.


All four blades clashed, the three red and one green. Immediately moving to flip over, Nom Anor placed Vimack between him and his ally. Sweeping in and around each other, the three of them fought.


But the combination of Vimack's power and Shimrra's strength was no weak nemesis. They could not overcome them, no matter how hard they fought. Fury met blade, blade met skill, and skill met failure.


Dismissing the idea of Nom Anor being any real threat, the Sith turned to the Jedi, focusing everything on Skywalker's defeat. Stumbling his enemy back a little, he reached out with his hand, sending the Jedi master flying across the ground and landing in a heap by the edge of the pit.


Temporarily at least, that only left the two Yuuhzan Vong. Vimack span, bringing both blades down on the diminutive Executor. His best and only defense was to block. Though he managed to stop both, his one feeble saber was no match for the pressure pushing down on him. The force was so great, it altered the actual direction of Nom Anor's blade, cutting into the emmiter lens and exploding it in a fiery burst.


He collapsed to his knees, fully prepared for his own death. Tossing one blade to the ground, Vimack was more than happy to oblige, but not before she had her fill. Shimrra's massive hand gripped Nom Anor's neck, tightly closing his windpipe, then lifting him up to the air. His body flailing madly, the Sith turned the Executor's face to meet it's own.


It was the only mistake possible to make. Nom Anor's Plaeryin Bol fired, expertly catching one of Vimack's own eyes. Desperate to stop the agonizing pain, she flung the enemy to the ground, but not before idly throwing one more saber swing into the commotion.


With his own yells of pain, Nom Anor lost his hand. Again.


Lying on the ground beneath the flailing Sith, desperately clawing at it's eye in the vain hope that the venom could actually be drawn out, he slowly began to crawl to a safe distance. Nursing his hand and wondering how in the galaxy he was going to be able to fight anymore, he was thankful to see Skywalker recovered from the attack and making his way back to the enemy.


Remembering that only a few moments ago Vimack had dropped one of her own weapons, he began sweeping the ground for it, only to have his eye find something far more impacting.


The orb of energy had risen, halting at where the ground level would have been and just waiting there. Standing, Nom Anor stared at it. He couldn't help himself really. The thing had been the provocateur for this entire mess.


Glancing to the two dueling opponents, it was clear that Luke was only delaying the inevitable. Vimack was simply too powerful, even for the two of them combined. The fight, and perhaps the galaxy, was lost.


There was almost a whisper though. Something only of his own mind, but a voice with reason none the less. Turning back to the Star Forge energy, he understood what he had to do.


Abusing the precious seconds for himself, he wondered what the galaxy would remember of Nom Anor. The traitor? The manipulator? The
manipulator? In his own way he had done some good. Had he not lead the shamed ones as Yu'shaa, would the Galactic Alliance ever have succeeded?


Focusing on the glowing energy, he considered this and more, but finally, it just came down to one thing. The thing before him was pure in the Force, it was a physical embodiment of it, and he, a Yuuhzan Vong, was nothing. He was was a void, and the only thing capable of canceling it out.


When colliding it with his masquer, the organism had been vigorously spat back out. Not even Yun-Yuuhzan, if he actually existed, could truly predict what would happen to poor Nom Anor if the two met.


Turning to his companions, past and present, he smirked.


“You know, if I were a righteous man, I would probably have something really prolific to say right now.”


The two stopped, staring at him with confused faces. His face became a wide grin.


“...but then again, I'm not. I'm Nom Anor.”


Turning back, he ran. For the good of the galaxy, for all the times his ideas had failed, for Quanemlayne Valamercin, for the man Shimrra might have been, for his own people, for his own gods, and for Nom Anor, he ran.


Realizing what he was about to do, Vimack stretched out Shimrra's hand in an attempt to pull him back, but it was far too late.


The last time he had tried to do this, Nom Anor had failed, his own cowardice faulting him. This time, he simply found nothing to fear.


Euphoria gripped him, and with one sure foot, he jumped straight into the maelstrom. Energy met void, and then disappeared.

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The light pulsed and contorted, churning in and out of itself. Watching it, Luke could only stand, amazed by what he had just seen. Whether it was more the actual sight or Nom Anor's sacrifice, he didn't know, but either way he somehow felt content, as if the galaxy was safe once again.


The plan failed, Vimack roared into the pit, the only way to contain her anger. Twisting back around, she then went for the only thing left that was still killable.


Luke blocked and parried, quickly remembering that he was actually loosing the dual. As hope began to leave his skill, the Star Forge remnant began to collapse, a Shockwave of energy leaving it. It was so powerful, the Jedi was knocked off his feet. The strength of Shimrra far more capable of dealing with such a thing, he stood there, weapon in hand and ready to strike his fallen foe.


His own weapon just out of reach, Luke began channeling the Force in preparation of a last moment clutch at life.


It wasn't necessary. With one final burst of power, the blue energy over the pit blew, finishing it's own existence, but much more importantly, spitting something. A glowing blur of power shot through the air, heading straight for Shimrra's back. The discarded saber still lying on the ground flew to it's hand.


Landing triumphantly, Nom Anor dug both feet into the former supreme overlord's back, catching the weapon in his one good hand, igniting it, then striking. Once gain, Shimrra's head went flying, rolling over the grass and finally stopping upright, the eyes once again black and lifeless. What was left of the body collapsed under the returned Executor.


* * *


Opening her eyes, Vimack could only find herself in darkness. What had just happened? She remembered the fight, then Nom Anor...


Manic laughter suddenly echoed from out of the darkness, followed by an all too familiar voice.


“Have you found what you are looking for amongst the dead?”


The laughter continued, multiplying into a thousand voices and echoing off unseen walls. From out of the darkness, first came Traya, an unwelcome sight in itself. Behind her slowly emerged every fallen Sith Lord she could name.


Step by step over an unseen floor, they closed in around her. Before they could totally overwhelm her, she managed one last quiet exclamation.


“Sith's blood.”


* * *


Rolling on the grass, Nom Anor howled with pain, twisting and stretching at his skin. After a few seconds, Luke surmised what had happened and started gripping at the skin himself. Soon enough, the Ooglith Masquer was removed.


The Jedi could not even hold it, every ounce of the Star Forge energy condensed into the one object. Watching him throw it to the ground, Nom Anor could only sit there on the grass, nursing both his handless arm and burning skin. It was as if he had just arrived.


Tapping into the Force, he found nothing. He was Yuuhzan Vong once again, through and through. In a stance he had adopted far too often of late, he gripped his forehead. The situation was useless once again. Why couldn't the energy have latched onto him and not the masquer? He had been ready for death. It would have been good. Honorable. There would have been stories about it.


Instead, he would be nothing. At the most he would just be another Yuuhzan Vong, probably taken somewhere, quietly trialled and executed.


Regarding Luke, who was still staring into the humming outfit cast to the ground, Nom Anor judged him. Too much of this had been his fault. From Shimrra's original death, to his own more recent defeat, the Jedi master was always much to blame.


Vimack's lightsaber still by his side, he grabbed it with his good arm and ran up to him. The attempt to kill him was feeble. Scorched, one handed and stripped of all Force powers was no way to take on a master. Skywalker stopped and disarmed him with effortless skill, knocking him to the ground once again. He lay there, nothing else left to do.


“End me, Jedi. There is nothing left in this galaxy for me anymore.”


Luke shook his head.


“I'm not going to kill you, Nom Anor. I have said it before : there will always be hope for you.”


Rising back to lean on his side, the Executor turned to him.


“What hope? I even try to kill myself and get spat back out again. What can there possibly be for me to do except die?”


“You can serve. You can amend.”




“Listen to me. This place, this planet, has gone for thousands of years without being discovered.”


“You're going to leave me here?”


“Oh, yes. But not with your own ends as before. You will help those you have wronged. You will help the Peace Brigade.”




“They are as hunted as your own kind right now, Nom Anor. This is the perfect planet for them. Here, you can live together, help each other. You can coexist. I'll even give you your droids back to help out.”


“What about Quane.”


The beaten and broken creepers still left, flexed at the mention of her name. Luke smiled.


“If she's okay, I think she'll find her place here. I think she sees in you what I do.


“As well as all this, I will take the masquer myself and cast it into a sun. After that, I will swear both Jacen and Jaina to secrecy. They will never mention this place or our meetings. It will be as if the galaxy does not know you exist.”


His offer fully made, Luke stretched out his hand. Hesitating for only a moment, Nom Anor shook it.


After a few more specific arrangements, Luke left, returning with his X-Wing to Yavin where everything would be sent from. Watching the fighter soar away into the sky, one final movement caught his eye. It was the creepers, slowly, but very precisely moving towards the newly dead Shimrra. Finding body and head, they took both with them when returning to their temple top home.


As they began to whir around each other, Nom Anor smiled, wondering if this arrangement might work after all.


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And finally, the end...



Waking against the sunlight, Nom Anor sat in his bed, silently pondering over the day ahead. He had been up most of the night over what to say to the new arrival, and last he could remember, had just got it.


Somehow simply 'aware' of when he awoke, Quane bound into the room, a tray of breakfast and juice in her hands. Not least from the attentions of the two Solo kids, she had recovered quickly considering the wound was a blaster shot to the back. Now, he was the patient, still recovering from his own ordeal against Vimack.


“How's the hand?” She asked.


Stretching his left arm, he found the reattached shaper hand stiff. Stiffer than the original attachment had been in fact, he doubted it would ever be just as good. It was still useful though, proved by the way he difficultly, but successfully lifted the cup.


A few moments later, it was Shimrra's turn to enter. The re-reincarnation had made him even more ghastly, each one of his wounds opening up and filled with more barked substance. He was only vaguely aware of what had happened whilst under possession of the Sith, but he remember who had been the one to finally kill him. It brought another level of understanding between the two, and an odd respect to one who had been killed by the other.


His announcement was simple.


“They're here.”


The three of them looked back and forth between each other.


* * *


Revan's outfit now discarded and stored away with everything else from the basement, Nom Anor once again bore his Yu'shaa robe. It had a little more of a dignified look to it somehow, and was definitely more suited to the current task.


Taking position upon a massive rock overlooking the wide grassy field, he looked out over the ships. Thousands of Peace brigade members were still arriving, most along with their families. Nearly all of the ten-thousand battle droids joined them, each still of the reprogrammed mind of a protocol droid. It made them ideal servants, shuffling back and forth between the new arrivals and offering assistance where it was needed.


Organizing them, were the hundred or so Rakata still left. Quane's return to the planet had reinvigorated them a little, knocking back twenty per cent of the recently gained age, mentally if not physically.


One by one, they spotted Nom Anor and started making their way to him. At the front was the Brigade's leader, Bal Dannecks. When all who were going to come were before his rocky precipice, Nom Anor addressed them.


Skywalker had explained what he was meant to do, but Nom Anor was never one to take orders. Coexistence would never work anyway. These people didn't need help, they needed a savior and a leader.


They would have their hope, but they would also have their ruler, and that would be him. An empire of twenty thousand was good enough for him. Over time, they could build structures, civilization and homes. Maybe even a few statues of him.


They would be his people. Not used and abused like those under Shimrra's rule, not those allowed to waste their lives like those of the Galactic Alliance. They would be just right. He had no real intention of abusing his power to any extremes, just enough to keep them in line. Doing exactly as he told them, who was to say that Yuuhzan Vong, sole Jedi, Rakata, Peace Brigade and Droid could not forge an understanding which could let them survive a millennium.


“People of Rakata Prime. Behold your last hope. Executor Nom Anor of the
Yuuhzan Vong, Yu'shaa, prophet of the Shamed one, and now your absolute leader. I will be just. I will be fair. I will be everything you need me to be.


“I will be the one who is kind when all of the galaxy has turned it's back on you. I will do so, because I am one of you. Like you, I no longer have a place out there, only one here. Like you, this is now my home. And like you, I intend to make it something.”


After a quick snigger, Dannecks solemnly nodded, understanding that it was indeed the best way for things to be. A mark of his allegiance, he bowed, slowly followed by everyone else.


Nom Anor, professed ruler of his own little empire, lightly bowed back. The Jedi Quane to his left and the former supreme overlord to his right, what could possibly go wrong.


Allowing his mind to wonder, he could not help but drift back to that moment on Shimrra's flagship, left for dead by the Jedi and awaiting his own fate, and what it would have been like for him to have died there.


Luckily for him of course, an Executor always has an escape plan.



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