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TSL Models in K1 (not a EULA topic)


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Outside of the EULA what is stopping a model from K2 being put in K1 (private use, not public). I know there are alot of restrictions with K1 that aren't in K2. Ex: Headgear - K1 you can't put horns or other head items on pc's. But in K2 you see Zabraks which sport the horns.


My question, is there a physical restriction on all Tsl models/items? Or moreless a mental block with the user agreement?


Blaze :twogun:

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Well really there is a block with both subjects. The EULA agreement prohibates you from porting specific files from one game to the other UNLESS they have that specific file in the game already in one form or another. Now what prevents TSL body models/ head models/ and area models from being used in K1 is the bone structures of the models and sometimes other modifiers like auroraflex mesh. The bone structure is different in TSL so K1 body models won't work unless you can totally replace all of the bones in that specific model. The heads won't work in K1 because of the auroraflex mesh that most of them use cause as far as I can tell auroraflex is not supported in K1. Hope this gives you a little more of an idea why it cannot be phisically be done.

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