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New Plot (sort of)


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Ok, basically, ima rewrite some of Lucas's works (DONT FLAME ME!!!! AHHHH!!!) to have another race thingy that uses the force.


The Arbiter's


Basdically, the Arbiter's are neutral (neither Light nor Dark sided) and have been around for much longer than The Jedi and The Sith.


I wanted to make it to where in game on KotOR1 (yes, i dont have KotOR2 cus it aint out for mac >.<) your not revan, rather his twin brother/sister (WOAH! That's original >.>) seperated at birth (flame bait =.=) because the Arbiter's sensed the force strong in you and an inbalance in Revan.


The main character in fact does not know this at all and finds out later in the game (this makes the arbiter arc fit in more with the current storyline).


  • The reason you and Bastila share a dream is because your identical to your brother/sister
  • Malak believes you to be Revan, even through your debates that you can't possibly be
  • Yes, Revan is DEAD
  • The council actaully takes you in becuase you ARE a special case
  • They do not know your an Arbiter
  • You take the training to be stronger


Im still writing it, but I already have a few outfits choosen out (made by RedHawke, waiting for permision to be granted).



  • Trask is an Arbiter
  • Trask would be changed to a different name, debating on some now
  • The Arbiter's use white lightsabers with a grey-ish glow
  • The footlocker at the beginning of game holds an Arbiter saber and Arbiter clothing
  • At beginning of game, Trask (Arbiter version) asks you if you want to be an Arbiter Warrior(Jedi Guardian), Investigater (Jedi Consular) or Assassin (Jedi Sentinel)
  • When you choose class, he gives you aribter clothing with apropriate symbol
  • No new spells or classes, your only Arbiter (consular, warrior or assasin) via dialogue
  • Arbiter's share the same force powers as Jedi's
  • This allow's you to be two jedi class (EX : Arbiter Assasin and Jedi Guardian)


*MORE TO COME, g2g now*

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Arbiter is that the guy from Halo or somethen.

Not really, it's his status. Like Masterchief's name isnt masterchief, it's John

Arbiter is someone that watches over somethin, giving justice if you will, kinda like a judge or somein.


and at jedinathan

There will be a revan, its just not you. Plus, it's a mod, who cares really? Its just to give the people somethin new to play, ya know?

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o okay

sorta get it now? Also, please reserve judgement on this mod plot thingie until im done writing it. I just hope someone UBER good can make it for me, no mod maker things for mac and I dont want to mess with VPC right now for many reason....*cough*virusesonwindows*cough*

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