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Oh my god... some sites really don't know what they're talking about!

Guest Sherack Nhar

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Guest Sherack Nhar

I recently came across a small article at Computer and Video Games concerning Star Wars: Starfighter. There was one paragraph describing what the game was all about. Buckle up and brace yourselves, you are going to be stunned:

Following its debut on PlayStation 2 towards the end of last year, Activision’s Starfighter is making the transition to PC in an almost exact translation. Based on the Naboo fighter from Episode 1, the title sticks you in the cockpit of Anakin Skywalker’s retro hunk of metal and charges you with the task of saving the early Alliance from the threat of the Empire. Unlike the namesake movie, turning into the most sensationally irritating brat ever conceived and squeaking like a stuck pig is unessential to overall success.

This description makes no sense! First they say Activision is the publisher. I know that Activision has a deal to publish LEC games in UK, but that's all! There no mention of Lucasarts anywhere! Second, they say it's based on Anakin's Naboo Starfighter... ROFLMAO!! And then, the best part: to save the early Alliance from the threat of the Empire. None of these parties even began to exist in Starfighter's timeframe...


What do you think??

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Guest Tie Guy

I wonder if they even played or lookat the game, maybe they just heard about it or some guy thought he knew what he was talking about based on the name.

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Originally posted by Superdog

You must have been doing some forgetting over the weekend, if ya know what I mean. *glug*glug* *wheeze*

Over the weekend, yesterday, and today....ah, whats the difference :D J/k, people drinking is not cool unless you are of legal age, thats what the government says and we have to follow the government. The government is your friend.

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Guest Telephius

Well they make them selves look like fools since most people readin this would be SW fans or at least saw the movies unless they were like these guys and were mezzmorized by the pretty flying things and the bright glowy lasers, missing the story and what was goig on.

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Originally posted by Telephius

Well they make them selves look like fools since most people readin this would be SW fans or at least saw the movies unless they were like these guys and were mezzmorized by the pretty flying things and the bright glowy lasers, missing the story and what was goig on.

*looks up at the night sky* ohhhhh...pretty shiny things...oooooo...

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Guest Tie Guy

Yes, that would be strange, but not impossible. Hehe :D


Anyways, i wonder just how many Non-Star Wars fans actually buy the Lucasarts games, ya know, just for the gameplay.

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Guest Telephius

I think just for gameplay only a few, you don't have to be hardcore to buy a SW game but thats what the game is about.

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