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Mira must hate me.


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I've had her ever since Nar Shadaa, and now I'm on Korriban. But wheverever I ask her about her past or if I could teach her the Force, the influence is always Failure. This is hard for me to do, since I am Dark Side. Is there an easy way for me to gain influence with her so I can turn her into a Dark Jedi?

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Hm. Here's a guide that I use for gaining INF with Mira. (URL for gamefaq: http://db.gamefaqs.com/console/xbox/file/star_wars_kotor_ii_a.txt)


"The best way to get Influence with Mira is to get her to "argue" with you,

but this requires an 11 Awareness. Ask about why she doesn't kill, follow the

Awareness line and she argues with you, then shuts up. Follow up on that, and

watch the Influence fly!


The goal of gaining Influence with her is to turn her to a Jedi. On the Ebon

Hawk ask about her being restless to start things off, this leads to a

discussion on Nar Shaddaa, which reveals her abilities. If you have enough

Influence she can then be taken to Nar Shaddaa to become a Jedi. The dialogue

map for that begins after the next 2 Mira dialogues below.



. M1: Yeah? Something wrong? .

. - Can I get some grenades from you? > gives grenades, or refuses .

. - I was hoping we could talk. > lines where you hit on Mira, then back .

. - There were some questions I wanted to ask. > M2 .

. M2: Shoot. .

. - (If on Ebon Hawk) You seem restless. > M7 .

. - +INF+ (If not on Ebon Hawk, on Nar Shaddaa and after above question) .

. You seem more comfortable here than on the Ebon Hawk. > "why?" > M10 .

. - Were you raised on Nar Shaddaa? > INFLUENCE Check > FAIL, back to .

. questions > SUCCESS, M16 .

. - Tell me a little about Hanharr. > M3 .

. - Why don't you kill your targets? > M5 .

. M3: Hanharr's only a bounty hunter because that's the closest word for... .

. - What happened between you and Hanharr? > M4 .

. M4: I didn't kill him once. Biggest mistake ever. .

. - What do you mean? > INFLUENCE Check > FAIL, back to questions .

. > SUCCESS, M27 .

. - I think that deserves an explanation. > INFLUENCE Check > FAIL, back .

. to questions > SUCCESS, M27 .

. M5: I've killed people before. But not if I don't have to. .

. - LSP - [Awareness - 11 REQ] Because all life is connected, and .

. Malachor proved it - you know what the loss of family means, even to .

. your targets. > M26 .

. - But you don't seem to hold back when you're with me. > M6 .

. M6: I know. It's different... I don't know why. .

. - Are you okay? > line > back to questions .

. M7: It's all this traveling. Being trapped in this ship. Everything's... .

. - Well, savor it while it lasts. > M8 .

. - Too quiet? > M8 .

. - This is no smuggler's moon. > M8 .

. M8: I'd rather be doing something. Somewhere with people, activity... .

. - Like Nar Shaddaa? > M9 .

. - > other M2 questions .

. M9: Yeah. It's been a while since I've been off-planet, I guess I got ... .

. - +INF+ How so? > M10 .

. - +INF+ Used to Nar Shaddaa? Is that possible? > M10 .

. - > other M2 questions .

. M10: Well... Nar Shaddaa may be one of the biggest cesspits in the ... .

. - Kreia showed me how to "listen" to Nar Shaddaa once... how all life .

. there is connected, is bound to each other. > M11 .

. - Or the tortured groaning of a trash compactor. > M14 .

. - More like a screaming, broken hyperdrive that carries a vibroblade .

. and hits you up for credits. > M14 .

. - That's not really how I saw Nar Shaddaa. > line > M10 responses .

. - +INF+ An interesting way of putting it. It's true. > M15 .

. - Nar Shaddaa is a cesspit - there's far better places in the galaxy. .

. > M14 .

. M11: Yeah, well, I wouldn't go that far. I'll believe it when I see it. .

. - I could try to show you while you're here, if you want. > INFLUENCE .

. Check > FAIL, back to questions > SUCCESS, M12 .

. - Maybe one day I'll be able to show you. > same as above .

. M12: [influence: Success] All right, prove it. You can show me now, if ....

. - All right, I'll take you to the same place Kreia showed me. Follow me..

. > M13 .

. M13: All right. But I doubt you're going to show me anything I don't ... .

. - > This allows you to take her to Nar Shaddaa, Main Area, near the .

. entrance to the Cantina/Pazaak Den to train her > back to questions .

. M14: No arguments here. Still, as long as you accept it, the place ... .

. - > M10 responses again .

. M15: Yeah? Hm. Didn't think I'd hear a Jedi ever refer to Nar Shaddaa... .

. - Life has a certain energy about it. Especially on Nar Shaddaa. .

. > line > M11 .

. - Kreia showed me how to "listen" to Nar Shaddaa once... how all life .

. there is connected, is bound to each other. > M11 .

. M16: Yeah, more or less. I wasn't born there, just ended up there. .

. - What happened to your family? > M17 .

. - Why don't you kill your targets? > M5 .

. M17: Well, the war happened, the first one, against the Mandalorians... .

. - They died in the final battle? > M18 .

. M18: I think so. After Revan crushed the Mandalorians, planets ... .

. - How could you have lost family at Malachor V? There were no .

. colonies - it was a taboo world to the Mandalorians. > M19 .

. - Well, there's a lot you can do. Bounty hunting isn't easy work. > M22 .

. - An odd decision for an orphan. > M22 .

. - Became a bounty hunter? Why, did you want to die? > M22 .

. M19: Take a guess, "Jedi." Only two groups of people would have lost... .

. - You're a Mandalorian? > M20 .

. - So you became a bounty hunter? > M22 .

. M20: As much as any slave becomes a Mandalorian. They took prisoners ... .

. - You were a slave? > M21 .

. - So what is your homeworld? > line > back to M20 .

. M21: When I was young, yeah. They mostly used me to carry ammo packs... .

. - LSP - I regret the loss of life at Malachor. But there was no choice .

. left. > line > M21 responses .

. - You don't sound too happy about it. > line > M21 responses .

. - They had to be stopped. > line > M21 responses .

. - DSP - The Mandalorians deserved to be crushed at Malachor - you .

. should be pleased. > line > M21 responses .

. M22: I'm good at finding people. So I used it to make credits. .

. - Finding people on Nar Shaddaa seems difficult. > M23 .

. - But you won't kill your targets. > M5 .

. M23: Not if you know your target. Usually you get a holo or rough... .

. - Walking? > M24 .

. M24: This is a little hard to explain, but Nar Shaddaa's got a flow... .

. - No, I understand. > M25 .

. - Like sewer pipes? > M25 .

. M25: If you know your target, you can feel them, know where they're ... .

. - > back to questions .

. M26: Oh, do I? Is that it? How you could ever possibly hope to ... .

. - LSP - I have never stopped trying to protect others - even at Malachor.

. - LSP - We did what had to be done, and I carry that decision still. .

. - LSP - If that's what you believe, then you are wrong. .

. - DSP - You're right. And I would glady slaughter the Mandalorians again.

. > all above options lead to Mira getting upset > END .

. M27: [influence: Success] Do you really want to hear this? .

. - Yes, I'd like to know what happened. > M28 .

. M28: Well, Hanharr and me go way back - in the worst possible way.... .

. - Do you know the name of his homeworld? > line > M28 .

. - Do you know what species he was? > line > M28 .

. - So he was a slave? > M29 .

. M29: Well, not for long. Once off-planet, Hanharr escaped from the ... .

. - [Awareness] Why was he wearing those cuffs? > line > M29 .

. - LSP - It's good he broke free. Nothing deserves to be caged. > M30 .

. - Sounds like Czerka deserved it. > M30 .

. - DSP - If they weren't strong enough to hold him, then they deserved .

. to die. > M30 .

. M30: Well, before you get too proud of him, Hanharr figured Czerka had... .

. - [intelligence] Weren't they destroyed? > M31 .

. - No, I don't think so. > M31 .

. - I've never heard of them. > M31 .

. M31: Right, that's because Hanharr happened. He makes what happened to... .

. - Who did he work with? > line > M31 .

. - So how do you factor in? > M32 .

. M32: I was prey. And not only did I escape, but I saved his life while... .

. - So he wanted to capture you? > M33 .

. - That seems strange. > M33 .

. M33: I don't pretend to understand it, but among his people, they have... .

. - That doesn't sound too bad. > M34 .

. - A foolish code. His species would die from such debts. > M34 .

. M34: Well, with Hanharr... he can't escape that life debt, it's bred... .

. - What do you mean? > M35 .

. M35: A life debt to Hanharr is a death sentence; he'll hunt you until... .

. - That life debt makes no sense. > questions > M35 .

. - What if someone else saved his life? Would he try to kill them? > .

. > questions > M35 .

. - Any regrets that he's gone? > M36 .

. M36: Oh, I'm glad he's gone... it's like a weight off my shoulders... .

. - Any chance he's still alive? > M37 .

. M37: Trust me, if he was still alive, he'd be chasing us even now... .

. - So how did you save his life? > INFLUENCE Check > FAIL, back to .

. questions > SUCCESS, M38 .

. M38: [influence: Success] Well, as happens on Nar Shaddaa, I made ... .

. - And you proved him wrong? > M39 .

. - What happened? > M39 .

. M39: Well, he tried to box me down in vents beneath the Nar Shaddaa... .

. - Why use mines? > M40 .

. - So he was trying to hem you in with a minefield? > M40 .

. M40: I think he'd hoped to drive me into the mines and let them do the... .

. - [Demolitions] Sending out a jamming signal for proximity mines isn't .

. a simple trick. > line > M41 .

. - But it didn't happen that way. > M41 .

. M41: Like I said, I disarmed the trigger fuses for enough of the mines... .

. - Barely? > M42 .

. M42: He was crawling around, blinded from the flash and the plasma... .

. - LSP - Sometimes it is stronger to spare a life than take it. > END .

. - DSP - You paid the price for your weakness. When the time comes for a .

. similar choice, do not hesitate to kill again. > END .



If you piss Mira off, you'll have to talk to her again:



. M1: What do you want now? .

. - +INF+ LSP - I wanted to apologize. > M3 .

. - -INF- Back off on the attitude - I don't need it right now. > M2 .

. - -INF- I want you to watch your temper. > M2 .

. - -INF- DSP - Your anger is welcome - but direct that hate at our .

. enemies, or I'll show you what hate is. > M2 .

. M2: Whatever - but you were the one asking all the questions. You ... .

. - +INF+ I deserve an explanation at least. > M4 .

. - > other standard responses .

. M3: Whatever, don't worry about it - it's just a sore subject with me. .

. - +INF+ LSP - Still, I'm sorry you lost your family at Malachor. > M4 .

. - +INF+ Then it doesn't sound like you've dealt with it. > M4 .

. M4: Yeah, well, they're dead. That's how that story ends. .

. - What do you mean? > M5 .

. - > other standar responses .

. M5: There's a lot of lost people out there, scattered ever since the... .

. - +INF+ LSP - All things are connected through the Force. From such .

. acts of kindness, great things may come. > END .

. - -INF- DSP - The galaxy doesn't care for us, and it cannot be healed. .

. > END .

. - -INF- DSP - There is only survival and pain. But they can give .

. strength, as they did for you. > M6 .

. M6: That's what I had wondered. Maybe surviving was what was important... .

. - LSP - If you shut the world out, there is no strength in that. > END .

. - DSP - There is truth in strength and hatred - and little else. > END .



After the "Kreia" voiceovers, when you train Mira you get the following

dialogue (Also, a LSP if you are Lightsided, and a DSP if you are Dark

Sided when you train her):


. M1: :: This is the Force. And all our choices, from the greatest to ... .

. - LSP - Awaken, Mira. > M2 .

. - Do not turn away - face it. > M2 .

. - Feel these people, this planet all around you. > M2 .

. M2: I can feel this... planet... I can't shut it out. It's louder now... .

. - LSP - You can learn to shut it out. There are Jedi techniques for .

. calming the mind. > extra questions > M3 .

. - LSP - I can train you, Mira. To become something greater - and to .

. protect others. > M3 .

. - This is the potential all Jedi possess. > M3 .

. - DSP - Don't shut it out - endure it, in all its pain, all its .

. misery - and become stronger for it. > M3 .

. M3: Are you going to train me? .

. - LSP - Only if you want me to, Mira. I have shown you the way, I .

. cannot force you down that path. > TRAIN .

. - That is a question for you, not I. > TRAIN .

. - DSP - Yes, you have no choice. You must learn power - and control. .

. > TRAIN .




...And there you go. Oh, and Mira is a somewhat great fan of Vaklu (well, if you go and decide to take the job to get rid off the three Generals in Onderon, she'll be very excited. She love credits after all.)


Another thing is the "Kreia trick". Keep any person that hates murder (like Mira) in your party, along with Kreia. Go and murder someone in hot blood, like innocents. Mira will start to scream at you at why you done such a crime, but then Kreia silences you...and then screams at you on why you did such a thing. Mira does not get an answer, and is forced to gain +INF+ with you (showing just how powerful Kreia's manlipuative tactics are). Appease Kreia by listening to her advice and saying that you will consider it, or just use to Infinite-Kreia infulence bug (if you have high Awareness, ask Kreia about Visas' homeworld, follow through the dialouge choices, and watch the INF fly).


To convert Mira to be a Dark Jedi, you have to have high INF with her and be Dark Sided at times. If you wish to do the path suggested above, then be prepared to gain some LSPs...but it is better to do a good deed, for the 'greater evil'. I can't wait to convert Mira to be a Dark Jedi, if I ever get the chance. :)

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