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star wars battlefront 2


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is this game good i know i lied about space battle pwanage and everything on bf2 forums.... but is it worth getting i bought of ebay 32$ australia my freinds say its awesome.And all as far as i'm concerned my copy should be here on monday or tuesday i have got bf1 please tell me


p.s i have waiten 1 week for it come

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  • 1 month later...
is this game good i know i lied about space battle pwanage and everything on bf2 forums.... but is it worth getting i bought of ebay 32$ australia my freinds say its awesome.And all as far as i'm concerned my copy should be here on monday or tuesday i have got bf1 please tell me


p.s i have waiten 1 week for it come




You made a really good choice about the game.

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