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today the topics were boring! :p

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I'm expecting this to be very interesting.


you must be so interested.


things have slowed down. It's summer for christ's sakes! if it's boring, go outside.


we should start a flaming debate or something to rant and rave about, to get some action...




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Guest Brighteyesmonkey

NFGB.Thats sick!


Um Exicting?

Nope can't think of anything.

It's just a lazy day today.




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It's not Summer, it's Winter frown.gif Actually I dunno why I'm complaining, I loves winter, it's my fave time of year, coz I get to snuggle in bed under my doona and blankie biggrin.gif (OK so I love my bed, its comfy and no I'm not sharing, it's mine all mine) See that's what I get for being born in the middle of winter. I'm noticing the global warming a lot more this year, it's still sunny and kinda warmish, last year it woulda been pouring down with rain and freezing to death, it's more like Spring weather outside, just with no leaves on the trees


I'm happy coz in like an hour and a half I'll be going to the footy... YAAAAAAY for me biggrin.gif Then I'll come home and then go to a movie marathon coz tomorrow is a public holiday biggrin.gif


I woulda seen the The Mummy Returns, The Mexican and Save the Last Dance marathon, but I din't wanna see The Mexican, so I'm gonna see Moulin Rouge, Anti-Trust and Dude Where’s My Car... hmmmmms now I got Lady Marmalade stuck in my head, you know what I loved bout Moulin Rouge? Other than it having Ewan McGregor in it? The remix of Like A Virgin and Smells Like Teen Spirit biggrin.gif oh and Anti-Trust has Ryan Phillipe in it (yummy) and Dude Where's My Car was the perfect funny movie, so I'm in heaven biggrin.gif





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[This message has been edited by Natty (edited June 09, 2001).]

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Well, Mummy Returns wasn't that good - so you didn't miss anything Natty smile.gif


I watched it last week and thought it wasn't something I was hoping for. Better than the first one, yes, but WAY too cheesy and action-filled to have any sense.




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I liked the first Mummy better Mega, Evie and Rick were more funny when they pretended to hate each other, in the 2nd one it's more like them kissing every 5mins, bucket please biggrin.gif Besides, the previews led me on, I thought the Scorpian King was gonna be in it for like most of the movie, not the 10mins or so he was in it for frown.gif Although I loved Anuk... whatever her name is


Oh and incase anyone cares, my footy team won by like 90points biggrin.gif I'm sooooooo happy yaaaaaaaaaay for me biggrin.gif


Oh gawd, I can hear ABBA on TV, now I'm gonna have Dancing Queen stuck in my head (I can tell that the musical is in Melbourne now, dunno why I'm complaining, me loves daggy 70's moozik)





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Speaking of abba... We have this crazy teacher who makes funny exams... She has always one 'round the right option from a) b) c)' question. Always four questions. And ALWAYS the rounded numbers form the word a) b) b) a) = ABBA smile.gif


She's a great abba fan... beyond limits, I must say...




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Guest Brighteyesmonkey



Oh damn that was the song we sung on kareoki

the last night of uni. *sigh*





The names Monkey....Brighteyesmonkey

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