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Potential Crash on Unknown World

Kristy Kistic

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I didn't post this in The Work Bench because I don't need a solution - I made my own (when I experienced this problem myself). But I wanted to ask if anyone else has had this problem: When playing as a dark side female pc on the Unknown World when you return from the temple with Bastila and confront the remaining party members. Just around the time Carth shouts "Run for it Mission!" and then runs off - the game crashes.


The reason I ask is I had someone email me that had the same problem and was thinking that it may be related to my 2 Altered Endings mod. I'm not sure how it could be since I didn't modify any files for the Unknown World - or any that should even come into play until the Star Forge itself.


But my question is has anyone had this problem, and if so, did you have my 2 Altered endings mod installed?

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The reason I ask is I had someone email me that had the same problem and was thinking that it may be related to my 2 Altered Endings mod. I'm not sure how it could be since I didn't modify any files for the Unknown World - or any that should even come into play until the Star Forge itself.
Sometimes you can edit files that have duplicate file names in other modules and will cause a crash in a module that you wonder how in the world that happened since you didn't think you edited anything in that module. Are there duplicate script names or something you overlooked?
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One thing that causes a crash at that particular spot is if you've modded Carth and he happens to be wielding two lightsabers when he runs away. Princess Artemis and I were poking at it a while back. Your mod wasn't involved in that case.


I'm not even sure I had my mod installed when I encountered the problem. I do know that I almost always mod my npc's into a jedi with KSE. So that may have been the problem when I experienced it. (This was a long time ago and I've slept a lot since then.) I solved the problem by modifying k_punk_carrun.nss (the same file Princess Artemis was speaking of in the thread you referred to) - as I said this was a long time ago and I have no idea what I meant in the comments nor what exactly solved the problem. Actually I just looked at the original script and apparently I replaced the original with a new one - one that didn't try to unequip Carth.


void main()


originally I left out the last part and dropped the other script in, too.
removing the other script showed the pc with an insanity effect.
like she was bawling. anyway
an invalid carrun script will cause the pc to run to carth behind the rock.

 void ActionStartConversation(object oObjectToConverse, string sDialogResRef = "", int   bPrivateConversation = FALSE, int nConversationType = CONVERSATION_TYPE_CINEMATIC, int   bIgnoreStartRange = FALSE, string sNameObjectToIgnore1 = "", string sNameObjectToIgnore2 =   "", string sNameObjectToIgnore3 = "", string sNameObjectToIgnore4 = "", string   sNameObjectToIgnore5 = "", string sNameObjectToIgnore6 = "", int bUseLeader = FALSE);

void ActionMoveToObject(object oMoveTo, int bRun=FALSE, float fRange=1.0f);

 object me = GetPCSpeaker();
 AssignCommand(me, ActionStartConversation(me, "unk41_mission"));
 // original ended here and worked

 object omission = GetObjectByTag("mission");
 AssignCommand(me, ActionMoveToObject(omission, TRUE));



I do know I sent the compiled script to the person that emailed me and she said it solved the problem for her. It does have the side effect of making the pc do a fear animation (not sure why). I have since emailed her and asked if she had made Carth a jedi, but I have not had a reply yet.

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