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[NSW-Fic] DBZ no title yet

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Ive been working on this on and off for about 2 month could you all please read through, it and let me know what you think of it as any and all help/feed back will be appreciated thanks.





A year has passed since the young saiyan prince Vegeta crash landed on Earth and Goku was revealed to be a saiyan warrior.

Since then Goku and his son Gohan have been training to improve their fighting spirits, but does little does Goku know that he will need all of his new found power as well as the help of his saiyan brethren to battle an encroaching threat.


Prologue 6 months ago:


Radditz entered the computer room, various saiyan techs tapped away at work stations some looked up at Radditz as he walked by some exchanging quick hellos, others he stopped and chatted to for a few moments enquiring after family members, asking how their work was going, he then carried on walking down between the rows of computers his boots padding of the plush blue carpet, his brown and black saiyan combat suit reflected the over head uv lighting’ his tail twitching in time to the music the techs had playing on the radio, as he headed to the head techs office he remembered that the last head tech had tried to ban music in the work place but that had resulted in his sudden and surprising resignation, but of course the fact that he had three broken ribs, a broken leg and a fractured arm, also the self satisfied smug grins that the two teenagers who worked here after school 3 evenings a week had worn on their faces for a week had nothing to do with it.

Radditz smiled to himself, if he hadn’t been such a tyrannical, dictating not to mention tight fisted git perhaps may be he would have been more appreciated by the staff.

He walked up to the office door reading the lettering on the door:


Head Technicians Taurus’s Office


He knocked, let himself in closed the door behind him and the man behind the desk didn’t even look up so absorbed in his work was he, so Radditz took the opportunity to study his cousin who so resembled his brother his face was identical as was his hair, but his build and clothing couldn’t have been any more different, were his brother had the build and height of most 19 year old saiyans five foot nine and 175 pounds respectively and starting to fill out more as his saiyan physiology began to make him appear more adult and less like teenager, his clothing while being non-saiyan was extremely effective in training he remembered weighted at the legs and arms in the form of specially designed wrist bands and boots to build up wrist, arm and leg strength and on his chest he wore a very flexible yet extremely heavy blue under shirt that helped build up chest, stomach, shoulder and back muscles.

The blue under shirt while matching the wrist bands and boots was completely at odds with bright orange martial art gi that he wore over it, but he supposed he’d seen worse uniforms for martial art schools.

Now his cousin was wearing something similar to himself with a black body glove that covered the upper torso, the tops of the thighs and the upper arms, along with full upper body armor with shoulder guards he noticed that the armor was structured similar to shark skin, his keen saiyan eyes were just able to see the microscopic grooves and channels that were all over the armor, were designed to cut down the force of both air and water currents to help a warrior move faster in battle but also for pure pleasure, such as when he himself was flying or simply cruising through lakes and under ocean waves.

Taurus was also wearing gloves cum gauntlets that helped to absorb and spread the impact of blows just like their torso armor. Taurus build was also completely different to Kakarot’s’ his build was tall and fairly well muscled for his age Taurus was 6 foot 1 and weighed 250 pounds, but looked like he weighed a lot more due to his saiyan physiology and the high gravity here on planet Vegeta, his combat suit was also a slightly strange colour probably due to the fact that he was raised off planet for a time it was a very pale purple that had a hint of white through out, it also matched his gloves and his boots.

“Hello cousin how are you”?

The man behind the desk jumped out of his skin so wrapped up in reading the file in front of him.

“Radditz! What are you doing here”?

“Oh nothing much things are pretty quiet at the palace so id thought id come over to the base and see how you’re settling in to your new job”

“All in all not to bad theirs been a few hiccups but other than that we’ve been progressing quite well with our research how are things at the palace I heard some one tried breaking in a few week back how did that happen”?

“Well what happened was that somehow a saiyan rebel was able to get a hold of an elite’s uniform and pass codes and tried to get access to a restricted area luckily Nappa realized that he wasn’t who he said who he was and was able to capture him before he was able to get hold of anything important.”


“Where’s the rebel now?”


“Nappa and some elites are currently interrogating him.”


“How’s that coming along?”


“Not as well as we like we’d like to avoid the rough stuff in case it tightens him up even more”




“Because the king would like us to try and win them over to our side so he would want’s us to treat them humanely.”


“That’s a good idea but have you tried isolating him and not talking him that could be more effective.”


“How so Taurus?”


“Well cousin think about it the rebel that was sent on that mission would have to be very skilled not to mention a powerful warrior and I think that the more you try to break him the more your desperation shows and so he draws strength from that and that is enough to steel his will and strengthen his mind I assume you’ve tried mind probes?”


“Yes and they’ve been found wanting but the strange thing is his mind hasn’t been conditioned its raw no hypnotic therapy, no mental conditioning not even something like repeating codes or working out card game totals, any way I didn’t come round to discuss palace security I came round to ask you to accompany me on a mission.”


“What kind of mission?”


“Retrieval and before you ask what I can’t tell you what need’s to be retrieved unless you accept the mission, now I don’t expect you say yes straight away but if you have any interest in coming along on the mission or to help in a advisory capacity come along to the palace and ask to see me I’ve given the guards at the gates standing orders to let you through they’ve got your face and print’s on record so getting through shouldn’t be a problem but if there is any call me on my scouter you have my frequency stored don’t you?”


“Yes I do it’s 144.55 isn’t it?”


“Yes that’s right, well cousin one final thing you have seven day’s to decide weather you want to come along on the mission.”


“Very well seven day’s it is then Radditz you will have your answer then, till next Friday then?”


“Till next Friday Taurus see you then.”

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