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Half Life

Guest Darth Vader

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Guest Darth Vader

WHO LIKES HALF LIFE?!! *raises both hands* Wut is your favorite mod for Half Life. I like Counter Strike!

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Guest Darth Vader
Originally posted by Tie Guy

*chirp, chirp*


Looks like your the only one Darth. :D

HA HA wrong once again Tie!!:p
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Guest Dorsk8199

Why do you hate Tie? Anyway I play Counter Strike also. It's a great game. Just last night me and two other guys were owning a whole server. I'd never even played with them before. It sucked every time one of us got auto switched though.

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Guest Darth Vader

Jeez what a** holes! :swear: They could at least get the point of the game strait! I belive the point is to kill aliens not security guards. the guards are your allies! Yes you can kill the security guards but it doesnt reward you. And if you kill the scientists you will fail the game cuz they have to open doors for you! Man this is on Massassi too. It got pretty nasty there. And besides how do they even know if HL caused it? They dont! Quit blaming games on every thing that happened! It just makes me mad!:mad::evil6: HL players---->:mob: <Herald Sun arg! and take this!! herald sun ----->explode AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! no more herald sun! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! BOOM!!

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Guest Tie Guy

It's an honest opinion Darth, and i think they are partially right. I don't want an arguement, that's just my opinion.


Anyways, the only FPS's i like are JK MOTS and DF. The others are too gory for my taste (or my dad's :D)

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Guest Falcon5o

I pefer a good game no-matter if it is strategy or fps or what ever it is,my peferance being for rts as for herald sun let them form there own opinions. But it just go's to show, be care-ful what information you use.

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Falcon50... welcome here.


The only FPS-games i own are Dark Forces and Jedi Knight. Simply because they were Star Wars-themed. I hardly played Dark Forces, and got to level 4 on Jedi Knight, but only by really trying hard and getting frustrated in the process. It was the controls that did it. I like to simply point and click and be done with it. Most FPS games today use a mouse and keyboard combination, and that's hard to learn.


Knights Of The Old Republic is an upcoming SW-RPG that should be fun since it uses a Baldurs Gate-type-engine.


On the gore / Herald subject: just because you feel that you're not influenced by violence in games, doesn't mean someone else isn't too. It is well possible that someone is affected by that. Such stories are picked up by newspapers. It's simply the way it works. I remember being put off by Doom 2 as well, simply because it was so blatantly violent and full of 'hell-this, hell-that' that it practically couldn't be called 'entertainment' anymore..

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Guest Tie Guy

you may also be influenced by a game, even if you don't think you are.


BTW, Rom, you've never played Drak Forces!!! It's alot like Dark Forces but a ton better :D

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Guest Falcon5o

thanks! I'am glad to be here,but that is true you may sub-consusly(Did I spell that right:confused: ) influenced by a game. A-speaiely with all of the voilent games out.















:) Have a nice day:)

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Guest Telephius

true, everyone is affected differently.


However from what I hear it was at a abortion clinic it had a security guard, I mean cops and other security personal die every day its not a good thing but thats the risks of the job I mean before violent games cops and such had to except that there job was dangerous.


I accept that some people may be to easily influenced and there store should maybe push for IDs but the thing that angered me is that the Herald took to ignorance and witch-huntism. I mean they saw a sercurity guard and the box and more than likely seen some fansites that have screenies of shooting sercurtiy guards and gore shots and assumed the worse. Today it seems that only one factor affects an event but its usdually many things life is like a puzzle its made of manyt different pieces. The worse part is that a organization thats supposed to spread knowledge doesn't even know what it is spreading.

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