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Dxun Freedon Nadd temple


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Could someone possibly make a mod that allows a battle with the spirit of Freedon Nadd at the final battle in the tomb on Dxun? Not necessarily replacing the Sith masters at the end but maybe after you've killed them he can appear at outside his sarcophagus. I thought of this with the Exar Kun mod on KOTOR1 in mind, with Nadd trying to turn you to the dark side and giving you robes and other weapons if you turn and attacking you if you don't.

I'm pretty certain this can be done judging from the other mods I've seen. Also I think it would spice up the tomb a little, as I was a bit disappointed with just a handful of Sith in the final battle.

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sounds like a cool idea!

i could do it, but it would take me a bit... and i'd need a Freedon Nadd holographic skin... although i could probebly do that as well it would take a little longer still.


all you'd want is to be able to fight Freedon Nadd's ghost?


anyway, your probebly best off seeing if someone else will do this, but if there are no takers, i'll give it a go! ^-^



STTC project leader

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Pleased to know this is getting worked on :)


As a bonus suggestion, new robes and a better saber in his sarcophagus would be welcome as I was a little disappointed with what was in it. Just a short lightsaber and a blaster if I remember right. Robes and long saber please lol.


As for the skin, I had in mind the Sith ghost but as that's a KOTOR1 file it shouldn't be used in TSL. If you want to make life a bit more difficult a reskined Nihilus might be interesting....


Have fun and good luck :D

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