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Problems in the Petrified Forest

Orphic Okapi

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Okay, I'm at the part in the game with the weird tree-machine thingy that Glottis keeps trying to adjust.


I've figured out that you need to push the wheelbarrow over the pipes on the ground, but every time I try to do this, Glottis finishes his adjustments about two seconds later.


I assumed my processor was too fast, and downloaded both the patch and CPU Killer, a program designed to slow down your CPU, but neither affected the game in any way.


So . . . Does anyone know what could be the problem? Do you just need to go really fast, or what?

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hmm...let's see if I remember. Did you flip that switch that makes Glottis fly around in circles while holding onto the tree for dear life? That should keep him in the machine tree while you distabilize it by moving the wheel borrow over the right pipes.

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