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Question about playing....OS


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First off, hello all.

My issue is this, I can't play in vista x64! I tried to find an answer but can't. I formatted and was trying to load, but being 16bit it won't install. So do i need to A)run in dosbox B) run and in Virtual PC or C) A work around for this?


Please please someone has to know!!


Thanks guys!

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That only works if you already have GF installed. I cannot even get past the install prompt...I guess i'll have to virtual pc it then...thanks!


I didn't have it already installed when I did that (I'm the one who posted what vampirenaomi linked to before).

I did a clean install from XP to Home Premium and installed it like I said before, and it's working all fine.


Anyway, try with virtualPC and let us know if you have any problems.


See you.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Easiest way I found was to install it on a comp with a different opperating system ie a friend's xp. I then installed the patch then copied the folder and the registry entries and now it seems to be working.


Vista x64 btw.

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