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The NEW all American SMILEY!!!

Guest Thrawn

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Guest Luke Skywalker

Right click on it and click properties than find the address, copy and paste. Then if you want it in your sig go to user cp, user profile than pu this (img)the address goes in here(/img) oh and replace the ()'s with these [ ] do the same thing if you want it in a message just put it in the message feild. Oh and thrawn XWING is going to be so happy!:D

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Guest Tie Guy
Originally posted by Boba Rhett

Cool flag but.... were's it smiling at? :p


Good point Rhett. hehe :D


Anyways, those nova and ore smilies don't have a smile, but they were added by Chris.

: ore::nova: see!

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Guest Sherack Nhar

I love it so much, I added it to the list :)


Just type : usa : without the spaces and that's it!


Long live the United States, even if I'm not a citizen! :usa::usa:

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Originally posted by mijtechboy

It is really cool, Thrawn. You're one awesome smiley maker. ;)

Yeah he is! :) Your really good too techboy. Did you really make that Luke fighting Vader smilies? They look real good!

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Originally posted by mijtechboy

Heh, yeah right. I may be good, but I'm not THAT good! The smileys on my site are the ones I made ;)


I really wish they'd put thrawn's ghost ben on, though, it looks AWESOME!!!!

You are great! Don't put yourself down! :)

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Guest Thrawn
Originally posted by mijtechboy

Heh, yeah right. I may be good, but I'm not THAT good! The smileys on my site are the ones I made ;)


I really wish they'd put thrawn's ghost ben on, though, it looks AWESOME!!!!



I'm thrilled! EVERYONE is starting to love my new smileys!!! :D YAY!!! Today is a happy day for this forum!!! I think I like the flag the best, out of the new ones, but the ghost ben is really sweet too! I suppose if you wanted me to have a smiley site, I could make one. . . :D I'll make it a sub-site off of my avatar site. :D:usa::D

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Oh yeah, man! You should make one.


And if you need any help, just ask me cuz I'm a webmaster and dat chit... heh... I'd type more, but I'm cold and my hands are frozen...


BTW, I'm working on another smiley again ;) will be posting details straight away.

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Guest Luke Skywalker
Originally posted by Darth_Rommel

Can someone make a a smily that depicts a Canadian flag? We are a country too!

Yah it doesnt have to be 9 feet long or made of birch bark either (youll only get that if your canadian):p

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