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Another cool idea


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lol you guys give me the best ideas ok see the jedi temple right... imagin a "sith temple" mhm yeaah... make like.... Yavin 4 a planet on the map and land the the sith temple landing pad just like the jedi temple cloaked invaders trying to get something in the temple...but... its jedi trying to get a holocron wich could destroy the jedi forever! LOL JUS PLAYIN AROUND WIH IDEAS BUT YEPS

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Well, first of all i am beginning to notice something, this thread is more an idea thread, and this sub-board is for mod requests, for a mod you are actually asking to be made, but to relate to the thread, it does sound like a good idea, though, i am awaiting the finished story for the last idea you had, lol, remember, the one I'm gonna make, lol.

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When making a request, you should give a more specific title rather than just saying "Cool Idea". It helps attract people who are willing to do this type of mod if they can see what it is you are requesting when little at the titles of the requests. ;)

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