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[K1] Revan's rule (spoilers)


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I've always been curious about what Revan was like and how s/he controlled the Sith before being captured by the Jedi. So that got me thinking, could someone make a mod, that takes place after the opening text crawl and before the PC wakes up on the Endar Spire, where you play as Revan in controlling the Sith fleet and in training Malak (or along those lines). I kind of thought that it would be another dream that PC gets from their old memories and just dismisses when he/she wakes up on the Spire.


So basically you'd play as Revan on his/her conquest to take over the galaxy in a Leviathan-like ship (which you could explore at any point. Each room could have numerous things, eg. detention block could be full of prisoners that you could interrogate or torture, training rooms could spawn an enemy for you train against or you could train Malak in them). You would also be able to interact with HK-47 and send him on assassin missions and the like. This "dream" could take place from the end of the Mandalorian wars (yes HK stayed with Revan afterwards in this mod just for the sake of keeping him available lol) to when Revan was captured, at which point you could fight the invading Jedi on board your ship until you meet Bastila and Malak fires on your ship. Difficult I'm sure but would definately be fun :D

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