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A couple of Bastila-related requests.

Sir Vougalot

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1. When we first encounter Bastila in the game, she is wearing her "dark" underwear, i.e. the undergarments she wears when you equip and then unequip a dark side robe on her. I wish these to be changed to her regular under garments (i.e. the two-piece bra and panties) because I think that they would be more in line with someone who was being sold as a "prize." That should probably be simple, though I think it'd be cooler if someone could design a slave dancer outfit akin to KOTOR 2 for that scene.


2. I'd like a mod that lets you talk to Bastila about the kiss but does not destroy the love subplot.


3. I'd like a mod where, when you meet Bastila on the rooftop of the Rakatan temple, before the fight she inflicts Jolee and Juhani with a Stasis spell, and then again if you choose to follow the path of light and to fight her again, just like Darth Malak does to Carth and Bastila aboard the Leviathan prior to the battle. This is because I have always believed that this should be a one-on-one fight between Revan and Bastila.


4. I'd really like for Bastila to wear a much cooler dark side outfit when you encounter her on the roof. I know that there is one out that is pretty popular, but I've heard that it's only for German players.



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4. I'd really like for Bastila to wear a much cooler dark side outfit when you encounter her on the roof. I know that there is one out that is pretty popular, but I've heard that it's only for German players.

try this one


she should wear the black and purple one when you fight her on the Rakatan Temple as that one replaces the Dark Jedi robes in this pack

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Same problem for me.




Any takers on any of my ideas, though? I especially want the rooftop battle idea done, because I've always felt that it should be a one-on-one duel between these two main characters who share a Force bond, and I think that Jolee and Juhani helping you fight her just detracts from that.

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