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How to... Visas on Ravager (Spoilers!)

Marauder's Fury

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I've read somewhere that it's possible to get rid of Visas during the fight against Nihilus. Could you tell me what I gotta do in order to see Visas committing harakiri, or to kill her myself if possible? I've beaten the game several times, light or dark, but I can't seem to find the required dialogue options to get her whacked. Is it about dialogue choices? Or gender? Light or Dark Side? Equipped gear? Romance? Influence? Thanks in advance.

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1. Make sure she wears only standard clothing - no robes or such. Always the standard clothing only.


2. Make certain she is equipped with either a lightsaber or a vibroblade (doesn't matter which type).


All other gear is entirely optional. Don't ask me why, but you won't get the option to tell her to sacrifice herself, if these terms are not set. I suppose it has to do with the animation the game has to run.


But don't kill Visas, you hear! I like Visas, so don't you harm her!!


Have fun ;)

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All other gear is entirely optional. Don't ask me why, but you won't get the option to tell her to sacrifice herself, if these terms are not set. I suppose it has to do with the animation the game has to run.


It's just a bug that it is in all games.


But don't kill Visas, you hear! I like Visas, so don't you harm her!!


It is a Dark Side act to kill her off via this method. The death scene was quite moving for Visas.


To make it clear, you get this dialouge choice once you get Nihilus down to half-health. Another option is to have Visas do the equivilaint of the Gothic "slitting of the wrist", to wound both Nihilius and Visas.


Ah, and to "kill Visas" off rather than have Visas kill herself, I think that's only in TSLRP. You can ask Nihilus to be his appertincate, and then he would command you to murder Visas. If you lie to Nihilus about being an apperticnate, then Visas and you can jump and ambush Nihilus.

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It's not a bug. The default Visas body model is the only one that has the "suicide" animation.

IE: If she was equipped with armor, she would use a different body model that would not have that animation and the scene would not run properly.

It's a script to check what is equipped in her body slot that makes the dialog option available.

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Hehehehe, it was great to sit back and watch Visas gutting herself. Thanks for the tips, people! Sorry, Jediphile, but no way could I resist to see Visas splitting her stomach open. And when she asked me if her sacrifice was enough... hah, as if I cared whether it helped defeat Nihilus. hehe. hehehehe


P.S.: Found out that lightsabers work well, too.

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