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pc droid kotor tsl


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well this request gets progressivly dificult so each paragraph is a request, kind of at least. the first paragraph is the basic request and down the line are improvments on it,


first of is basically can some one make a male droid pc, any droid will do (just no small droids like t3 or telos protocall droids)


next is a drois which can weild light sabers and melee weapons


now comes the harder bit, can some one make a droid that looks like this gundam








i think this could be done buy makeing a human pc ith a gundamns head, and having an mour with the body then it can weild lighsabers, swords etc and has animations to go with it, the problem is the armour

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L0rdReV@n88 are you sure about this " droids dont have melee atk " ?? cuz i was messing around with KSE and i saw a droid do something like that ! it was that battle droid that show up in czerca ( or something like that ) ... i dont know ... maybe i drink too much kkkkkkk but must be a droid with the same mobility of a human !! if im wrong i will slam my face on a wall !!!!

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trust me many other people have made a like request mostly for hk-47 to wield a lightsaber and they were all shot down from animation problems. i havent seen the droid_war_01 but if its there i think you could make the mod in question.


BTW kinda of topic but there is a mod for Jedi Academy that adds amaro rays rx-something gundam and a few others its a great game for 10 bucks (atleast thats what i bought it for)

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There is a way to give droids animations. There is a thread Here.

It says that someone managed to make a plugin for gmax that allows it to do animations



No, it's the models that have the animations not .2da's. ;)

Sorry for the double post but couldn't you make a new model for HK based on the PC?


Da_Man, please refrain from double posting, if you have the last post in a thread use the 'edit this' post feature to add any new content to your previous posts, thanks. No more ok. -RH

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Human body do have the animation, am i right ?


So in that case you could create a custom droid that use the body model of a human and then completly lock an armor on it (like it is done with mandalore in the game) and put a full Helmet on it (so we dont see the the face, hair and neck).


Then create a custom Texture for the armour and helmet that will make him look more like a droid.


And if it is possible add the sound of the standard battle droid to his walk.


I think this way it should be enough to have the appearence of a droid that can wield and animate LS, but in fact you 'll be cheating with what you see.

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but then technically it would not be a droid it would be a human thats wearing a full suit of armor and would you really want a bulky looking droid with lightsabers it kinda of defeats the purpose of this thread
There is a mod HERE that gives the human the appearance of A hk-51 droid. If we were to make a human model then look this armor on it then there's our lightsaber weilding droid
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yes but did you happen to read the 3rd paragraph

and i quote

Now, to what made me initially laugh at this idea. I was imagining running around with Force Powers and lightsaber with this model and knowing that there are no animations for this model to do those types of things because I have seen this before and I laughed at the results. You’re basically doing all your fighting and using the Force looking like you’re frozen in carbonite. I’ve tested this model out before with using those things I just mentioned before just for kicks. As many know, I do know a lot about the games because of all the experiments I’ve done and I’ve beaten both KOTOR games so many times I’ve lost count. In a case like this mod, you will want to just stick to blasters if you plan on using this throughout the game if you plan on always using it only because if will looking you’re doing something instead of standing there frozen at times.

no animations it currently cannot be done right now what the author of this thread is asking for

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