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Installation error


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Hey guys & gals.


My friend gave me a loan of his Grim Fandango CD, and being a big fan of Monkey Island I cant wait to play it.


But my enthusiasm's been slammed into a brick wall.


I put in Disc A, ran the installer but it stops at 47% and gives me this message:




I'm not sure what to do, i've read these forums and searched Google but can't find a solution. I can't even get the game installed. After I click OK on that image, the Installer just closes and thats it. My friend is able to install it without problems so I don't know what's wrong.


I run Windows XP.


If anyone can help me out i'd be so greatful!!!


Thanks everyone :ears1:

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The fact that your friend can install it properly makes it a bit weird, but..


whenever I had a cd that had too many scratches on it, which gave problems with installing, I used CloneCD to make an image of it, and then installing it. CloneCD was able to make a proper image out of an inproper CD.


But the last time I did that was a year or 2 ago. It's always worth a try though.

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Not that fast this time :p


Well my brother's into computers and he buys all kinds of hardware updates, so even though the PC itself is probably about 7 years old, the hardware's pretty up to date. Saying that, I think it should still work if GF is an older game.


Well I tried that program, and I even burned the image file to a fresh CD, but I get the same error :( Wish it would just work!

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