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couldnt exec gamestart.cfg????????


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I had my MOD working properly. Loading from the setup menu. I then made a few changes and made a new pk3. When I go to setup then mods, it loads but will not start new game. When I open the console is say "couldn't exec gamestart.cfg" and it adds a jk2config file to the MOD folder?


Anyone had this?

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  • 6 months later...

I used a gamestart.cfg file from a previous copy of my map as a template for the next one. But It seems to have caused a problem. You can’t do this. Can I reset or make a new gamestart.cfg file? Even the titled game doesn’t load from the menu now.


Where can I post my map? What site will host? I have a copy that works as a mod but has no credits and doesn’t end.


If someone can figure this out they can take credit for my Map. I am including the map files anyway so people can modify it if they want. I really just want to release it because its been finished for a year.



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