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Kreia's True Age

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Finally, I found proof to put to rest that stupid speculation that Kae is Kreia. I dislike this because it makes Kreia look like a hippie Jedi, but here we go...big, big proof.


According to Chris Avellone's comments on the Obsidian Entertainment Forum, she is likely to be 50 years old, but also says "like Yoda, who knows", indicating that her true age is still a mystery. [1]



So....hah! What does this mean? Well, it means that if Kreia is Kae, then this means Kae would not be young, as she would be about 40 years old at the start of the Mandalorian Wars. This put to rest the fear that Kae is a hippie Jedi, and therefore, calm my nerves. Kreia/Kae is still a manlipuative old witch and a hag.


But, there is also speculation that Kreia may in fact not be Kae. Her true age is still a mystery, and she could very well be as old as Yoda. In fact, Kreia could be hunderds of years old, maybe even thousands of years old. Interesting indeed...(In which case, if Kreia is Kae, could Kreia use Kae as a disguise to hide her true form, that of Kreia? So, Kae did not fall to the Dark Side and became Kreia...Kreia fell to the LS and became Kae! Yes!)

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Oh dear... The "Kreia=Kae" bit again...


Well, at least this bit of information goes some way to dispel the claim that there is no way Kreia can be Kae because she's too old to be Brianna's mother. If this is correct, she would have been 25 at the time, which is not a stretch at all.


Of course, Avellone doesn't say that she necessarily is 50, but just that he mentions a figure at all is interesting. I know plenty of people who argued that Kreia could not be Kae simply because she looks much, much older. Clearly Avellone disagrees with them, when he says that she looks 50, and being the author, this does carry some weight.


Either way, Avellone certainly has not dispelled the theory that Kreia might be Kae with this comment. On the contrary, it's more ammunition to those of us who think that she is Kae. Whether that's good or bad is another matter, though - it's all been discussed to death several times over, and with this comment, it's now likely to be again...


Was it really necessary to revive this undead topic? ;)

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Was it really necessary to revive this undead topic?


Well, I really disliked having Kreia to be Kae, since my impression of Kae is a hippie. Hippies are nice, but Kreia being once a hippie just seems...wrong. Now when I saw that age, it showed me that Kae is likely to be an old hag like Kreia, my opposition to Kae being Kreia is dispelled.


Unforutnetaly, it is now coming back now that you say that Kae could have a child at the age of 25, so bah! So much for attempting to prove that Kreia /= Kae.


The thing that interests me is that he said, "Like Yoda, who knows?" Kreia could be 500 years old, rather than 50, throwing into doubt wheter Kae fell to the DS and became Kreia...or if Kreia was always Kreia and just adopted Kae as a disguise. Kreia taking up the disguise of Kae with the sole purpose of corrupting Revan...makes "Kae" a much more interesting character.

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