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TSL Mod: Admiral Carth Onasi


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Hi there!


Since PCgamemods came back from the dead only to die again I am hoping someone can find this mod I liked to use for KOTOR II. It involved changing Carth Onasi's appearance in the game. One change was to replace the red,black, yellow uniform he wore as an admiral to a green admiral's uniform the befitted his rank. His hair was also a little gray at the sides to show that time has passed since we last saw him and the war has "taken it's toll". I forget who made this mod so I apologize that I cannot be more descriptive.


I think that's about it.... I need refind some mods so expect a few more threads like this one. Thanks in advance... :laugh6:

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its called the carth eye searing armor fix, onasi ages you should contact Princess Artemis the creator of the mod. but from now on you should post mod requests in the mod request thread here


edit:scratch that i guess even the direct links to the mods on pcgamemods arent working anymore

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