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[Short Fic]Revan's Fall

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Revan's Fall


Bastila stood at the center of the Capital ship. Her lightsaber was going crazy there were four Dark Jedi trying to kill her and her Jedi "friends." She sought to finish it quickly... to stop Revan AND Malak. Her lightsaber cut through all but one Dark Jedi... and he escaped to go to Malak's Capital ship. She heard the sound of her Republic Cruiser capitan, Jason McLair, choking. She looked up and saw him falling, his blaster pistol still in hand... while the other was wrapped around his throat, trying to stop himself from dying. Revan had his hand suspendend in the air... killing the young capitan. Bastila grew very angry at seeing one of her friends dying.


"You can not win Revan!" Bastila yelled.


"You want to bet... padawan." Revan said, calmly.


Revan had his red blade held high in the air, over his head... ready to strike Bastila.


Bastila's saber was below her waist, both hands on the hilt. She knew that she alone could not stop the Sith Lord... she looked around and saw the other three Jedi standing with her, lightsabers ready. She started to say attack... but then realized that was not the Jedi way... to attack first. She waited for a couple of seconds, for Revan to attack, but he never got the chance... one of the Sith ships fired upon Revan's "yaht" and sent him sprawling to the floor. The three Jedi behind Bastila were killed in the explosion. Bastila crawled over the the debris covering Revan and felt a faint bit of life in him still, so she used the Force to sustain that moment of life, until she could get him to either Dantooine or Courscant.


She dragged Revan to her shuttle, and layed him on the only bed in there, then she went to the pilot's seat of the shuttle.


I should have paid more attention to the lessons that Master Grenland tried to give me about flying. Bastila thought to herself.


She started the shuttle up and flew out of the ship, just as it was being completely destroyed. The heat from the explosion nearly melted the shuttle, but Bastila made it to her Capital Ship just in the knick of time.

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Now there are things good here and things bad.



Now I think you have a very nice piece of writing here. Especially with how it structured but I would have like to have seen more info on the small bit of life in Revan of how within it was the potential of changing revan.


Nice story your getting good at these short stories.



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