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[Short Fic]Darth Aroes' Rise to Power

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Darth Aroes' Rise to Power



Luke stood, green lightsaber in hand, on the planet of Raktus prime. Five dead Rancors and ten Rakta lay at his feet. Worst of all, his Jedi Apprentice layed dead at his feet, slayed by Luke's lightsaber. Luke had killed him because he was angry at the young padawan for letting everyone know that they were there.


A gigantic, wookie sized, specter appeared before Luke. He recognized the Ghost as Darth Malak.


The Sith Lord offered to train him, but Luke hesitated... he knew better than to fall.


"The Darkside is strong with you young Skywalker." Malak said. "A great Sith you would make, even greater than Darth Revan.


Luke began to think about it... he started considering it. He finally came to a decision... that he would train under Malak.


"I will do as you aske, master." Luke said to Malak.


"Hence forth, you shall be known as Darth Aroes, the powerful." Malak said.


Luke had to build a new lightsaber, one that would strike fear into the hearts of the Jedi, one that would slay galaxies for centuries. Not only did he succeed in doing this, but he built two... one for each hand.


Luke progressed quickly, learning of the Sith techniques, the Code of the Sith, everything. Then the day came that Luke knew he was ready to become the master, he challenged Malak's spirit to a duel. Malak with no lightsaber, was quickly defeated and sent into oblivion. Aroes' would need an army to crush the Republic, so he set out to find an army that even Darth Sidious would be jealous of.

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