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Chapter 6 - The turning point in the game?

Guest DarthMaulUK

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Guest DarthMaulUK

With the community extremely excited about Chapter 6, reports are coming in that alot of game veterans are logging into the Test Centre to try it out. Is this good for the game? However, recent concerns were raised when the Devs mentioned about changes to the healing process - is this good or bad for galaxies? Should they just leave this alone?


Are you a new player, wondering what the hell all the fuss is about with NGE? Or are you a veteran, who was mad about NGE but keep updated with all the recent changes and looking to return?


Will the house purge finally bring order to the galaxy and allow new Guilds and cities to sprout up? We would love to hear your views - but please note, this is NOT about bashing NGE and the past!



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Interesting questions, (written in a conversational tone but with a bit of whine, with a smile cause I care :waive1: )


I have been in and out of SWG for a very long time. My personal opinion is that the game is in better shape now then before. SWG was a huge buggy mess before CU and nothing ever worked right, most of those "professions" were nothing more then a skill tree with a title and more then half of them were either: broke, unbalance, unfinished, useless. Even up to and including CU many skills and specials either did not even work or work correctly. The classes in the new NGE, especially with the skill trees seems to work much better. Sure, there are not as many "classes" but more isn't always better. It also leaves room to grow with the future addition of new skill trees. :rifle1:


Do I see the vets checking it out as a "good thing"? Well genuine interest is always good as a portion will always stay and contribute to the community but in many cases, vets tend to be jaded and mean spirited and for whatever strange reasons, they haunt SWG like a bad cold.


As far as some of the changes go, one thing I will say is SOE really needs to figure out how they want things to work in SWG. Personally, I have no issues with tweeks or balancing but here SWG is, 4 years old, and there are still major changes and additions going on that frankly, should have been resolved in beta. Combat changes are fine, but 4 years in? Adding a profession that was taken out? Sorta strange IMHO. Sure I understand that the Dev team is different ...again...but this constant state of change they have going on is never ever going to do the game any good. In addition, its always going to keep the community from commiting to the game. This is why the old vets are still as vocal as they are. They can. There is very little hard-core following out there that is willing to step up and speak out in defence of the game. :lsduel:


They need to focus on content and content related issues. The same thing critics said at launch in 2003. This has nothing to do with the past or current. Its the case no matter when you played SWG. The story teller system is a good start. The legecy needs to be completed and in a hurry. There needs to be more then just the legecy. One single story quest is not enough. MINIMUM, there should be one story line for each faction. MINIMUM. Ideally, they should branch so everyone isn't all playing the same line.


Housing purge...its about time. This needed to be done before NGE. Dispite what the "vets" say, SWG had a decline pop issue well before CU and NGE, the landscapes where always cluttered with unused structures. SOE needs to just auto pack anything from an account that goes inactive for more then 30 days. An unused structure is a unless structure that just takes up area that a paying customer could use. :blaze6:


All in all, I see SWG moving forward in a positive direction lately. The main question is: will SOE undo what they are building like they did in the past?

I just resubbed a few weeks ago and sure as the sun is going to raise in the east, there is another big combat change going on. I'm starting to enjoy the game, I have no issue with what they are doing, I like my starship, I want to hang around...but really, I asking.."again with the combat changes???" How many more? Meanwhile, the gameworld of SWG remains basically the same. SWG needs to move forward. I would like to see something like Hoth as a PvP world with speeders and walkers. Bespine as a new player world. Why are they still fiddling with core game mechanics that should have been address in beta or withing a few months of launch? In the meantime MMO's are moving forward. SWG may be missing the boat soon as better, much more well designed games creek up on launch.


I don't care which system they use, just stick with it already. :bounfire:

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