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Chapter 6 is delayed until Tuesday 22nd

Guest DarthMaulUK

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Guest DarthMaulUK

This from SOE DeadMeat




We have been pushing hard to resolve all Chapter 6 issues by today in order to release the chapter to live tomorrow, but unfortunately we have had a couple of late bugs reported that we feel are important enough to address before going live that we have decided not to push the release tomorrow. Though these issues are not massive, they represent a level of polish and robustness that we really want to hit with this publish, so as difficult as it is to go back on my earlier statement about C6 going live this week, we will hold it until next week. Unless it is a extreme emergency, all chapter publishes and hotfixes are deployed during the normal maintenance windows on Tuesday and Thursday so our next opportunity for release is next Tuesday the 22nd.


I honestly wish I could put this out there now because this is one hell of a chapter, but I just do not see the point in not making this as clean of a release as possible. Feel free to call me out on this (I suspect my bosses will), it was a hard choice, but the right one.



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