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Cool Mira Jekk Jekk Tarr Bug (Possible Spoilers)

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Ok, I had this bug where you go into the Jekk Jekk Tar for the first time with Mira, and she doesn't put on the Space Suit. It still acts as though you have it on(no poison), but you can move the same speed as normal. The people don't get all mad either. They still ask why "that humans got on a Space Suit."

Has any body else seen this happen? It's kinda cool so I don't want to correct it.

Besides I've already played almost completely through the game already. :king1:

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Yeah, it has happened to me as well. Didn't affect the subsequent gameplay, although it was a bit odd to have Visquis act all surprised that Mira was revealed to be... Mira.


It's just a bug, but I'm not sure what triggers it. TSL has many bugs, but this one at least doesn't mess up the game, or at least never has for me.

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I've had this happen lots of times. I'm pretty sure the trigger is during the "meeting" outside the Ebon Hawk after you've watched the message from Visquis. You have to pick the dialogue option that says something about having to wear a spacesuit., so you're alignment most likely doesn't have anything to do with it.


It doesn't matter though, since you still get the effect of the suit even when you're not wearing it.

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There is actually a mod made by Tupac Amaru that will fix this bug. It seems that this happens if the scripted delay between Mira putting on the spacesuit and loading of the Jekk'Jekk Tarr module is too short. I don't think that the dialogue options before meeting Mira or Exile's alignment have anything to do with it.

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