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Hey everyone,


I'm an old school SWG player (was around from the early betas through past the CU) and I'm wanting to put aside all the criticism of SWG and give the game a try and form my own opinion. I have some questions.


1) My character is on Wanderhome which appears to be a very dead server now. I want to find an active server, with a healthy community. I'm not much of a roleplayer but I don't mind roleplay-lite. Where can I find an active community with lots of varied activity (PVE, guilds, lite PVP, a bit of this and a bit of that)


2) How is crafting these days? Can you craft viable goods and run a business like you could in the old days?


3) How is the economy over all?


4) I know the game has changed huge since I've played, but what kind of "neat" "depth" features will I find these days?


Thanks guys, and if any Rebel guild on a busy server is looking to recruit please let me know!

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Guest DarthMaulUK

Alot of forum goers from here are on Starsider - Worth checking the 'What server do you play on' thread. As for what server, depends on your location. If you are in Europe - Chimera or Infinity are good, otherwise, its Bria, Bloodfin, Starsider to mention a few.


Its easy to earn credits now from quests and loot. Player crafted items aren't as big as it used to be, so dont spend a fortune setting up a business. (People always needs hides though!)


Grab the 14 day trial free, from http://www.swgalaxies.net - but there will be a long download of at least 4 hours with all the updates. Chapter 6 is released today, so expect to see alot of old faces returning...



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Hey everyone,


I'm an old school SWG player (was around from the early betas through past the CU) and I'm wanting to put aside all the criticism of SWG and give the game a try and form my own opinion. I have some questions.


1) My character is on Wanderhome which appears to be a very dead server now. I want to find an active server, with a healthy community. I'm not much of a roleplayer but I don't mind roleplay-lite. Where can I find an active community with lots of varied activity (PVE, guilds, lite PVP, a bit of this and a bit of that)


2) How is crafting these days? Can you craft viable goods and run a business like you could in the old days?


3) How is the economy over all?


4) I know the game has changed huge since I've played, but what kind of "neat" "depth" features will I find these days?


Thanks guys, and if any Rebel guild on a busy server is looking to recruit please let me know!


I've recently come back for a look also. You are going to need to really understand the dynamics of the game have changed. If you go in looking for the old game in any way, you are going to be disappointed. You are not going to find it. That is the most difficult thing for the ex-player to except.


1) many of the servers have dropped in pops. They could stand to merge. There are some that have a healthy pop. I'm playing on Farstar and it fine to me. Ask around.


2) Thats a mixed reaction question. I hear many people say that the looted stuff is where its at. I'm playing like I did in the old days and that means I shop the player shops. /shrug. Everything I am using is player crafted except for my armor right now and thats mainly because I've been playing JTL and not taken the time to shop for it. I'm sure its changed from the old days, its probably not what it use to be but if you compare, you are going to find fault. I don't know how viable it is as a profession. I'm not having any trouble finding anything. That is probably different server to server. If you go to a high pop server, you should be ok.


3) SOme things less expensive, some things more. Starship parts are stupid expensive. Cloths that I paid 20,000 PLUS for pre-cu, I can get for 1000.


4) hmmm....not much BUT the story teller system will be in there today along with beastmaster. This is the most difficult thing to except and understand about the "new" SWG. Its all slowly leaking back in though. Had they not taken it out, things would be peachy, then all the old crabby vets could have played it out and abandon the game like normal players lol.


Its a different community though. I see a lot of "elder" player tags running around but they play like the new players now. All in all, its good fun. No better or worse then a game like WoW, GW or any other standard MMO. What is in the game (content and features).....at least works right. They are STILL fiddling with the combat which pisses me off.


My base advice is this. Don't use an old toon. Its just gonna take down memory lane. Start a new toon, pick a new "class" and just play it for what it is: a Star Wars based MMO. Fly a starship, that makes it Star Wars anyway. Just do something different from the old days don't try to recreate your past. Play from a fresh perspective.

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I'm an old school SWG player (was around from the early betas through past the CU) and I'm wanting to put aside all the criticism of SWG and give the game a try and form my own opinion. I have some questions.


1) My character is on Wanderhome which appears to be a very dead server now. I want to find an active server, with a healthy community. I'm not much of a roleplayer but I don't mind roleplay-lite. Where can I find an active community with lots of varied activity (PVE, guilds, lite PVP, a bit of this and a bit of that)


A: I can really only speak for Far Star. It seems like a reasonable server to me. There is usually some pvp going on somewhere in the Galaxy, either at Restuss, or a GCW base. There is some base-clubbing going on for those who can't live without their high-level GCW buffs.


2) How is crafting these days? Can you craft viable goods and run a business like you could in the old days?


A: crafting is ok. Viability of running a business depends on what speciality you take, I think. Structures traders have it made as they can make player houses (still in demand last time I made some) and guild structures, as well as some of the most important components for the new Beast Mastery profession (incubators and the like). Armoursmith's can make money, but of course you need to spend a lot on resources to make worthy products. Food is always in demand so Artisans can get along. Plus AS's, Artisans, and Engineers can now make SEA's again, so theres something for everyone to do.


3) How is the economy over all?


A: personally I think the economy is overblown atm. Players have had it too easy for too long and many have pretty huge fortunes stored up, ie hundreds of millions. That may well start to slowly even out though as chapter 6 is going to make mobs a lot harder to kill so getting hold of uber loot and credits is going to be harder.


4) I know the game has changed huge since I've played, but what kind of "neat" "depth" features will I find these days?


A: well, I guess the first thing you'll notice is the expertise system. As well as your prof's basic special abilities you'll be able to spend points (maxing at 45 points at level 90) to increase abilities, access new specials, that sort of thing. There are three trees for each class - two are prof specific, the third is Beast Mastery. There are a lot more quests in the game now. The legacy series should take a new toon up to the mid forties I think. And chapter 6 brings in content for cl88 and upwards toons. There is a high emphasis on the Galactic Civil War with pvp zones on several planets, a ranking system to gain more special abilities and perks and so on. That has been abused in the past, hopefully a future patch will fix the sploiters. Combat is getting more complicated too with the latest publish - more import on ele resists in armour, and more complicated rules for dodging and blocking damage.


There is a bunch of other stuff thats been added in too, player bounties, camping, ent build-a-buffs, etc. A good place to find out more would be the official SOE SWG site. Look under publish history to get details on what has been added in each chapter.


And welcome back to SWG!


Thanks guys, and if any Rebel guild on a busy server is looking to recruit please let me know!

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Hi everyone!


Thank you so much for your thoughts! I'm actually very excited to give the game another go after all the positive things I've heard throughout the community.


I think I'm going to setup on the Bloodfin server. Seems rather busy and has a decent community... Any other thoughts would be appreciated!

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You know, I'm sorry, I didn't think of the expertise system when I wrote my reply. Yeah, you can customize your character several different ways with that. I like it.

There is A LOT more content, BUT I wouldn't call any of it "complex"


The big plus side IMHO is almost everything seems to be at least working compared to the old days.


Also, if you like the space portion like I do, Chap 8 is going to add a bunch more stuff MAYBE including Gunships. They haven't come out and said it, but it is being talked about. They are talking about capitol ships also but they said that they don't want to add them until they have the gunships in.

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most of us with only a few hundred mill struggle


a few hundred mil LOL. Struggling ROFL.


I'd be happy with 10m and not feel like I was struggling. I feel so sorry for you guys with only a few hundred mil. I'm up to 2.5m across all 5 of my characters and feel like I am Rick James.


I think I hit 50m once with my pre-cu MWS (he hit master around patch 9). Then again, I'm not about farming or trying to make a lot of cash. As long as I can buy an entertainer buff I'm happy. I was busy grinding my jedi and just making weapons mostly for my guild.


I just came back after being gone since CU release, and I'm still grinding him LOL. By CU standards he was level 69.



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