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theforce.net just lost all its class in my eyes

Guest Lord Tirion

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Guest Lord Tirion

I usually go to theforce.net everyday checking on Star Wars related stuff just as most of you do. I had always thought of it as a classy site with mature staff members who ran it. Until now. I went to the site yesterday and ran across this entry in their news by one of their own staff members:


"AOTC has staged a remarkable recovery in MTV.com's TRL poll asking "Which movie are you most psyched to see when it hits the box office". We briefly went into the lead, but theonering.net has called upon LOTR fans to vote again. I am fedup of seeing Star Wars beaten by LOTR, and if they can vote more than once, then so can we, so make sure you head over to TRL and vote many times. At the moment LOTR is leading by 2% and Spiderman's percentage is creeping up fast. So let's show them who's in charge. You can vote in the TRL poll by clicking here."


How pathetic is that?? I like LOTR just as much as Star Wars but that is damn childish to make a post like that. I think that shows what they are truly about. If there is one thing I hate are closed-minded people who try to influence large numbers of people into not thinking on their own and not using their own judgments.

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Guest Lord Tirion

Why should I understand that? =P That is exactly what I am talking about that upsets me. Close minded reasoning that these sites spew out. I thought they had class. A classy site would never flame another site such as they did or try to tip the scales just so their ego can stay inflated. Star Wars is going to get knocked off sooner or later by a new franchise. It appears it is going to be sooner they we thought with LOTR coming out now. Nothing lasts forever.

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Heh, the thing is, LOTR isn't just coming out now, only the movie is. The books have been around forever, and there has been a large following of fans from the books, and so they are naturally interested in the movie, like we star wars nuts are to the games.


But I do see your point, it is pretty childish for them to be flaming LOTR.

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Guest Luke Skywalker

I read all the J.R.Tolekein books at around age 10 they ARE the best books you will ever read. LOTR is especially good. Its been reprinted so many times though its hard to keep track. I heard that the original is worth amlost 900 000 dollars!:eek:

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Guest Sherack Nhar

That's sad, indeed. But you shouldn't judge the entire TheForce.net over the behavior of ONE of their editors.


Surely people here visit IGN once in a while. One of their Xbox editors, Brendan Justice, compared Gamecube fans to Nazi fanatics... he was fired the day after.

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Guest Lord Tirion

The reason I jumped all of theforce.net is that whatever is uploaded on their site for all to see they agreed on. So that makes them all responsible. If somebody would have said, "Hey, lets now lower ourselves by making such and such remark about this site" then that would have been a class act. But instead, it was posted up for all to see.


As for LOTR being out for a long time, yep, I knew that =) Those stories were written during World War II when Tolkien wrote to his son back home mailing him bits and pieces of the story. Many people did not know that these stories were written all the way back then =) I for one still have not read the whole trilogy yet, but I am midway through "The Two Towers". I have already read "The Hobbit" and "Fellowship of the Ring" which I thought were fantastic. I already bought "Return of the King" and "The Silmarillion" as well to read. I own all 3 animated movies on Tolkien's stories as well.


I like Star Wars just as much as LOTR, but damn, lets not sink down to a level to lash out at a throat of a new franchise just because it will rival and most likey pass Star Wars when the movies reach all the people that have still not yet heard of LOTR (Sad but there are a ton out there that have no idea about it).

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Guest Tie Guy
Originally posted by Rogue15

ah, shut up.


For once 15, i'm with you, and sherack. Its just one guy, and he has his opinion. Just because that GB=BAD guy flamed GB doesn't mean that everyone here does. You really shouldn't make such brash refections. Now, if EVERYONE on the site posted agreeing with him then it would be different. I personally don't visit TFN anyways.

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Guest Lord Tirion

Rogue15, is that your age because you sure post like it. You are an idiot and your posts deem it. If you cant partake in an intelligent conversation then dont post.. wait, then you would never post.. nm.


And do us all a favor and get rid of your signature. All those pics lag down the threads.

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Guest Luke Skywalker
Originally posted by Tirion *Nexsis*

Rogue15, is that your age because you sure post like it. You are an idiot and your posts deem it. If you cant partake in an intelligent conversation then dont post.. wait, then you would never post.. nm.


And do us all a favor and get rid of your gay ass signature. All those pics lag down the threads.

Hum 2 things


1) I know that you can partake in intelligent conversations so dont use profanity unless 100% necsessary


2) and your pics dont? Well not as much but they still do. Everyones do its just a matter of how much.

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Guest Rogue15
Originally posted by Tirion *Nexsis*

Rogue15, is that your age because you sure post like it. You are an idiot and your posts deem it. If you cant partake in an intelligent conversation then dont post.. wait, then you would never post.. nm.


And do us all a favor and get rid of your gay ass signature. All those pics lag down the threads.


You're a idiot too. This conversation wasn't intelligent to begin with. and as for my sig, it's not being changed EVER unless i make it up in my mind that i'll change it, and didn't you say :




[if there is one thing I hate are closed-minded people who try to influence large numbers of people into not thinking on their own and not using their own judgments.] do you really hate yourself?

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Guest Lord Tirion
Originally posted by Luke Skywalker

Hum 2 things


1) I know that you can partake in intelligent conversations so dont use profanity unless 100% necsessary


2) and your pics dont? Well not as much but they still do. Everyones do its just a matter of how much.




1) Believe me, it was necesary. Since I cant go up to him irl and punch him in the face, this is the next best thing.


2) My pic is only 40k. Thats nothing. One of his pics alone is 3x more than mine.

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Guest Lord Tirion

If you are 27 dude than if I was you I would shoot myself instantly. You are an embarrasment. For god's sake, you are old enough to start a family and you post like a kid who is not even bright enough to learn hooked on phonics. Jerkie.

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Guest Lord Tirion

If we wanted this forum to get along, then the moderators should crack down on these idiots who come into a thread and make 2 year old posts that flame somebody. He had absolutely nothing to add to this converstation other than the words his parents probably yelled at him non-stop and probably still do.

The rest of us were having a good conversation.



"ah go suck the crap out of your intestines." ---- like I said, a 2 year old. How long did it take you to look up the word intenstines to spell it? LOL

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Guest Redwing

Nexsis, you have a point about the SW vs LotR thing. But what you say about how LotR is going to "knock off" Star Wars is just a teensy bit nonsensical, and puts you in the same category as the people at TFN who want the SW to bring down LotR.


Plus, your style of flaming is very immature. "gay ass signature'???


Anyway, there's my two cents worth. BTW, hey Tie Guy.

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Guest Rogue15

back to the topic.


wasn't it lord of the rings site who did the revote? theforce.net is a star wars site, so they assume everyone who goes there is a star wars fan, that's why they said to go vote again.

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Guest Lord Tirion

Is it now Redwing? That is kinda funny since you have no clue yet to how big LOTR will be when it hits the world in a couple of months. It seems to me that you are a die hard Star Wars fan. That is fine. But dont defend it JUST BECAUSE of that. You say I did not make a well thought out reason to say that, yet, neither do you to prove otherwise. I am not flaming you, just pointing out the holes in which you throw at me that you yourself have.


As for flaming, I do not care for it. But I refuse to have a punk come into my thread telling me to shut up. As for immature, 2/3 of almost every post can be deemed immature. If you dont like it, then dont read it. Pretty simple isn't it. =)

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Guest Luke Skywalker

Its true though LOTR is FINALLY going to be on movie and people will just go nuts. THE STORY IS AWSOME. The thing is all those little Harry Potter fans will go see it too because its all about soercery and fantasy. Tolkein was a language genius. He new all the old-age languages and could write proper english in the 20th century, which in itself is an amazing feat. I could go on an on about LOTR but I think its safe to say that this movie will at least give all the other big box office hits (ie SW, titanic, ect.) a run for there money.

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