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Concerning alien PCs


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When playing KOTOR II with my female Twi'lek exile it sometimes gets a bit irritating when other alien races break immersion by calling me a human. Seeing as all non-Basic speaking species use the same couple of voice files for all of their speech, would it be too difficult to alter the speech so it either refers to the player's species or else does not refer to species at all?


Whilst on the subject of speech and immersion, could someone make a mod that removes Atton's terrible "[Looks at player, frowns]" stage direction?

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It probably is possible, but i think it would be very difficult as no one (to the best of my knowledge) has released anything for this even though alien head mods have been around for years for k1 & TSL. Probably best to ask master zionosis or Stoffe on this matter as they'll definately know whether or not it is possible.

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