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would it be possible to make an armor that looks like theese http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Image:Kanos2.JPG and then i mean the whole thing like helmet the whole body armor with that i mean the legs boots chest arms hands or can you make an armor that looks like this http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Image:Kanos3.JPG the red on in the middle and for that i also want the whole set Helmet,chest armor,gloves,boots,leggings and the armor that is on the arms and i want these stats for both +8 to strenght,dexterity and constitution and +4 to intelligence,wisdom and charisma 10+ to all skills and theese feats dueling,improved dueling,master dueling,critical strike,improved critical strike,master critical strike,power attack,improved power attack,master power attack,flurry,improved flurry,master flurry,weapon profiency melee weapons,weapon focus melee weapons weapon master melee weapons,l and no force restriction wich means that i want to be able to use the force in it and i want it to be found in game like in the under city in kotor1 if not there then in the sith base on taris and for KotorII TSl i want it to be found either in the mining tunnels or on the harbringer protection should be like 5 that's all i want

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