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Walk through walls


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I don't know how possible it would be, but if some one could make a mod that lets you walk through walls/doors/objects/people/etc. that would be very helpful. It would make it much easier to find x/y/z values for module editing when you want to put things in places you can't get to normally. Also being able to float up and down would be really useful for finding z values when you want to, for instance, put a person on top of something like a box or a building etc. If you think you could do even just one of these two things that would be great. All this guess and checking is going to drive me insane.

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It's not possible to be able to walk through walls as they are part of the area models and area modeling is still trying to be solved, Objects I'm not so sure, if they can be made to be walk through then you would have to edit every *.UTP file in a GFF editor and change "IgnoreCrePath=0" to "IgnoreCrePath=1" if it even exists. Door cannot be walked through either, but people can be, same procedure as objects if it works for object.

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To add a further clarification, walls (and every other unwalkable which belongs to the area itself and is not a placeable) are unwalkable because the part of the walkmesh corresponding to them is assigned an unwalkable material. To make them walkable you'd need to edit the area walkmesh and assign some walkable value to all the faces you want to walk through. While this is not particularly difficult (or it won't be as soon as I complete my tool ;P), to be able to do this anywhere you'd need to edit every single area walkmesh in the game. Bottom line: it's faster to just walk around the walls....

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I was thinking instead of trying to get rid of the collision data for every thing in the game, you could make an armband that would bring up a dialog letting you pick north, south, east, west, up, or down. When you picked one it would launch a script that would take your current coordinates and add or subtract a small amount from the x y or z value (depending on which direction you picked) and put you at the new coordinates. So you wouldn't really be walking through the wall, but instead appearing behind it (or if it's a larger object you would have to do it more than once to get all the way past it, or there could be a second part of the dialog that would let you pick between a few different distances). I don't know much about scripts but it seems like I've seen mods with scripts that put you at certain coordinates and obviously you can get your current coordinates with a script, as shown by the famous whereami armband.

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I was thinking instead of trying to get rid of the collision data for every thing in the game, you could make an armband that would bring up a dialog letting you pick north, south, east, west, up, or down. When you picked one it would launch a script that would take your current coordinates and add or subtract a small amount from the x y or z value (depending on which direction you picked) and put you at the new coordinates. So you wouldn't really be walking through the wall, but instead appearing behind it (or if it's a larger object you would have to do it more than once to get all the way past it, or there could be a second part of the dialog that would let you pick between a few different distances). I don't know much about scripts but it seems like I've seen mods with scripts that put you at certain coordinates and obviously you can get your current coordinates with a script, as shown by the famous whereami armband.


You can get current coordinates with scripts but scripts can't be generated in game, they have to be written by hand, and what you are basically asking for would cause more trouble than it's worth to achieve hardly anything different than the current method to gather coordinates, the only option that would speed up coordinate taking for KotOR I would be to make a Whereami armband for K1 so you just gather coordinates to your hearts consent and when your done save the game as new and generate the whereami.txt file with the fb.exe included with the KotOR II: TSL whereami armband, of course you would need to ask for Darth333's permission to place the whereami armband into KotOR I.

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The point isn't to get the coordinates the point is what the script does with the coordinates. I'm not asking for a mod that tells me what my current coordinates are. I'll try to give a clearer example. Lets say I'm making a new module using the Nar Shada refugee area and I want to have a guy on top of these boxes:


Now obviously i can't just walk up there and use the whereami armband, so i would pretty much have to guess some coordinates, put everything in the override and module folders, start the game, go to the spot, see that it's not good, close the game try some new coordinates, put everything in the folders, start the game back up... until i gave up. the point of my request was that you could pick the directions (in this case west and up) and it would warp you a small distance in that direction until you were in approximately the right place then use the whereami armband or in kotor1 the whereami cheat.


On second thought though, instead of picking directions, something that would let you type in coordinates directly and warp to them would be good so you could do all your guessing and checking in-game without having to keep closing the game, re-editing your files, opening the game back up... instead you would just open the game use the warp thing, and if it's not good you can try again without even leaving the game. I don't know if you can input variables like that though unless you had a dialog that let you pick each digit one by one but that would be ridiculous.

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None of what you have described can be done, there's no way to tell the game where to warp you in the module.


I also think that you can't spawn someone on top of a box like that anyway, you may be able to though.


The only thing i can suggest is to get Gmax, extract all the area models for the area in which you want to spawn the NPC then put together all the module models and hover the mouse over where you want to spawn the NPC and write down the X, Y and Z coordinates.


But ultimately you might as well guess like you have been doing as doing what I have said is just as frustrating as you claim.

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None of what you have described can be done, there's no way to tell the game where to warp you in the module.


I also think that you can't spawn someone on top of a box like that anyway, you may be able to though.


It can be done, sort of. Theoretically it should be possible, though it'd be a bit clunky. You could handle the user coordinate input by using a modified variant of the "keyboard dialog" example I posted a while ago, and then run a script that sets off a visual effect or spawns a placeable at the coordinates the user specified (and deletes the existing marker placeable if one has been placed before).


It would be a somewhat clumsy solution, but it should work, and would probably be quicker to use than restarting the game constantly at least. :)

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That sounds like it would be good enough if someone would be willing to make it. I would do it myself but I've never done any scripting before and this seams a bit too complicated for a first time script. I really need to learn scripting anyway though so maybe I'll try to tackle this after I have some simpler script mods under my belt.

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