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[FIC] The Mandalorian wars

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My first fanfic here on LucasForums :)


This is a direct translation of the original Swedish version that you can find here: http://www.starwars.nu/forum/topic.asp?TOPIC_ID=6578


I am planning to make the fic very long. I am right now writing page 14.

I warn you, there might be some grammatical errors.


It will take time before I post new parts since I first have to finish writing them in Swedish and then I have to translate them into English. So far I have translated the prologue. I am working on chapter one.



Title: The Mandalorian wars


Time: 3,964 BBY


Story: It’s about the mandalorian wars


Category: Action, Drama and a little romance.


OBS: All material that I use in the fic is canon. The only thing I made up is some characters.








A rainy night. The republican soldier Shen was sitting on a container and smoked some weed from Dantooine.

“That’s not good for you” his friend Farag said. “You are killing yourself with it.”

“As long as it keeps me warm I don’t give a damn about my health.” Shen laughed out. “I’m probably going to die in this stupid war.”

“Your choice Shen. I’ll go and piss.”



Shen was thinking about his family. His wife Nervana, his two sons and his daughter. They were all dead now, crushed by mandalorian Basilisks on the planet Onderon. Shen escaped and joined the republic for revenge. Victories were rare but the army celebrated every mandalorians death. Shen himself had managed to kill about 20 mandalorians this year. He was happy about that.

But now he was sitting here, guarding the planet Ralltiir. He had joined the army to kill mandalorians, not sitting on a container and freezing day and night.

He took a drag on his cigarette and felt the heat spreading trough his body.

Shen started to feel tired. He thought that he could rest for a while since no mandalorian would ever visit this planet. He fell asleep.

He started to dream about Onderon, about the rivers that ran trough the city of Iziz, about his family, about his wife. Her beautiful lips that he kissed…

A loud noise followed by a bang. He opened his eyes to see what it was. But he was so tired that he could barely see anything. He rubbed his eyes and looked around. Nothing. He thought that he must have dreamt that. He laid down on hard ground and tried to fall asleep. Then he heard a loud noise again. He looked up into the sky and saw a large object fall down. He ran, shocked and his last word was: “Mandiiies!”

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