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Eliminate the turret Minigame [K1]


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I play Kotor on a laptop I have, and it skips like heck. 1 Frame per second, normal. I still love the game, but as you might have guessed, this makes some of the minigames, particularly the turret game, nigh impossible, and even then I need a LOT of luck.


To this end, I'm requesting a mod that eliminates the turret minigame somehow. If it makes me invincible, that'll do. If it makes it so I don't get attacked by Sith Fighters at all, whatever. I just need help getting through, as -especially during the turret minigame- it looks like a slide show.

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A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away... Kitty Kitty made this mod.



Unfortunately her link is dead. I don't know if she uploaded this elsewhere.


Then there was Darth333's Easy turret game that you could make as easy as you like: http://www.lucasforums.com/showthread.php?t=134704


Again another dead link at PCGM.


Supposedly this is a cakewalk mod to make. If no one else posts anything I'll look at it. ;)

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I'm afraid this doesn't quite help. The reason I made this request was because I was stuck on the Leviathan, and I've just beaten Malak. But, Kitty Kitty's mod only removes random fighter attacks, not story based ones like Taris (as she mentions) or the Leviathan.


So what I really need is something to make me invincible/they do no damage, or to just skip it all together.

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I'm afraid this doesn't quite help. The reason I made this request was because I was stuck on the Leviathan, and I've just beaten Malak. But, Kitty Kitty's mod only removes random fighter attacks, not story based ones like Taris (as she mentions) or the Leviathan.


So what I really need is something to make me invincible/they do no damage, or to just skip it all together.




Try unzipping this and putting the .ncs file in your override. It should bypass that turret sequence.


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Sorry to dive in on this thread, but I was wondering if there was anything available that lets you skip all turret battles? My girlfriend is playing KOTOR for the first time on her laptop, she's just left Taris, and the turret battles are nigh on impossible with a touchpad.

Thanks in advance.

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Will both Kitty Kitty's and Darth333's mods work together, or must only one be installed? Like, could I have Kitty Kitty's mod to remove all non-story-related encounters installed but also have Darth333's mod to reduce the number of fighters simultaneously?

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  • 2 weeks later...

The script "k_ren_taris03" is basically the source of the turret game when you escape from Taris. A replacement script for that one follows. Just use Kotor Tool to compile it to "k_ren_taris03.ncs" (I can't add an attachment or I'd just post the compiled file).


#include "k_inc_debug"
#include "k_inc_stunt"

void main()
StartNewModule("ebo_m12aa", "K_TARIS_DESTROYED", "11b", "", "", "", "", "");



The include files may be not really be needed, but they were in the original "k_ren_taris03" script.


(for other modders, it looks like the main control script of the turret mini game might be k_pedo_mgheart in the m12ab_s RIM file; at least thats where I found what fires when the Taris escape turrent game ends)

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