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Bastila Romance Enhancement

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This mod improves the kissing scene between male PC and Bastila so that we actually see them kiss each other instead of a fade to black effect. It was requested here This mod also fixes the bug that kills Bastila romance if you talk to her again after the kiss. The mod modifies Bastila's dlg-file, but it is compatible with Darth Shan's Bastila Romance Glitch Fix and Allronix Dlg-Pack.


Any feedback would be appreciated.



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Thanks to cjt0202 for the excellent Carth Romance Fix. It was the source of inspiration for this mod and also gave me some insight into scripting animations.

Thanks to Allronix for letting me include a modified file from her Dlg-Pack to make my mod compatible with it.

Thanks to Darth Shan for the original Bastila Romance Glitch Fix included in this mod.



PERMISSIONS: You may use this mod in any way you like. Just give me credit for the original. If you want to use the file "k_hbas_dialog.dlg" that is compatible with Allronix dlg-pack, you'll have to ask Allronix for permission.

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  • 4 months later...

Hello sorry for bumping an old thread, but i really can't find any link that works for me for this mod, can someone attach bastila_romance_enhancement.zip to a message and send it to me at


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Thanks, i would really appreciate it

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RevanGamer187 wrote:

Hello sorry for bumping an old thread, but i really can't find any link that works for me for this mod, can someone attach bastila_romance_enhancement.zip to a message and send it to me at:




Thanks, i would really appreciate it

Um, the link on top of this thread is still live but I'll send it to you.
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  • 2 weeks later...
CrisG wrote:

So we still need to install the Glitch Fix mod seperately?

No you don't. The glitch fix is included in this mod.

CrisG wrote:

I decided not to use Allronix's Dig mod

The file included in this mod is obsolete version anyway. I've been thinking of updating my mod to be fully compatible with Allronix dlg-pack 2.1 though.
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Thank you very much for that info,


I am perhaps being too conservative about the dialog patch and I certainly would not expect a mod to have voicing by the original actors, cost prohibitive and so forth, I just initially feel like have voices as much as possible but i will try both ways when i get to that point.


thanks again for this great mod it is a real enhancemnt. :)

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