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/cg_hudFiles information


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Hello. I would like to know what the configuration of /cg_hudFiles 1 is. (hudFiles 1 is the simplistic HUD with just the numbers.)


By configuration I mean:

Health font style

Health font size

Health font color

Shield font style

Shield font size

Shield font color

Stance font style

Stance font size

Stance font color

Force font style

Force font size

Force font color

And the coordinates on the screen for each number.


Thank you for any help.

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FYI You cannot edit cg_hudfiles 1 without manually changing the code of the cgamex86.dll file. Because it is just the default hud when no menu files are specified. There is a way to partially mimic it however, you cannot print the saber style text without modifying the cgamex86.dll anyway.


I have developed a custom HUD System for my mod that has a configuration file that looks like so:


x       = 8
y       = 348
width   = 12
bgalpha = dark

x       = 28
y       = 348
width   = 12
bgalpha = dark

x       = 620
y       = 348
width   = 12
bgalpha = dark

x       = 600
y       = 348
width   = 12
bgalpha = dark

x       = 48
y       = 422
scale   = 70

x       = 48
y       = 433
scale   = 70

x       = 632
y       = 433
scale   = 70

x       = 632
y       = 422
scale   = 70

x       = 632
y       = 444
scale   = 70
color   = 8

x       = 48
y       = 235
scale   = 70
color1  = 2
color2  = 3
color3  = 5

x       = 48
y       = 246
scale   = 70
color   = 22

y       = 0

color   = 26
scale   = 100

color   = 22
scale   = 100

color   = 30
scale   = 100

color   = 3
scale   = 100

color   = 7
scale   = 70

x       = 592
y       = 300

x       = 536
y       = 300


And produces the following result:



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Looks cool, man.

Oh and I don't feel like making a new thread for this, as it's a somewhat similar issue:


Does anyone know how to alter the cg_drawEnemyInfo (at least that's what I think it's called), so it only show the icon of the player, not the leader? If that made any sense...



Or how to create a new FEEDER that gets the current playermodel and outputs it.


Here's a WIP screen of mine (I'm going to make the icon fit better later):


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By default, CG_DrawEnemyInfo only gets passed a "y" variable, in order to draw "your models image" instead of the leaders image, you would need to pass your clientinfo or number into the function and have it go off that. The lines you want to modify in CG_DrawEnemyInfo are as follows (Very slight difference in this version from yours perhaps):


[color=red]ci = &cgs.clientinfo[ clientNum ];[/color]

size = ICON_SIZE * 1.25 + 11;
y += 45;

if ( [color=red]ci->modelIcon[/color] )
	CG_DrawPic( 640 - size - 5 + xOffset, y, size, size, [color=red]ci->modelIcon[/color] );


clientNum gets defined earlier on as the leaders client number, so perhaps you could change that to your own clients number, or create your own function and have it call that to display your icon image?

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