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[FIC] Knights of the Old Republic : Destiny

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  • 5 weeks later...

Remisha woke up on a steel table in a dark apartment that had a lamp that kept flickering on and off. Her arms ached. She looked at both of her arms and they were bruised from needlemarks.She felt dizzy and too weak to force heal herself.She lay her head back down on the cold steel and surveyed the room through the Force.


She wasn't alone. She felt a strange ,yet familar presence. " Who's there?" she asked.


" We have met before. It was very brief though." came a woman's voice.The woman still in the shadows of the apartment walked to Remisha and ,while still concealing her face , Force healed Remisha's arms.



She continued." Do not worry , you were not poisoned. Not that it would have effected you anyway."



Remisha was confused about how she had got in the apartment but she sensed this women meant her no harm.If anything the woman was sending out maternal signals. Concern and worry, like a mother tending to her injured child.



" You feel familar. Maybe if I saw your face I could recognize you? Can I see your face?" Remisha asked.


" Be sure you really want to know." she warned Remisha.



It was then Remisha figured it out who the woman was." I think I already know.Revan, the great Revan. My mother."


Revan stepped out of the shadow and for the first time in a long time Revan looked at her daughter. She caressed her daughter's hair. Tears welled up in her eyes.



" You were a little pink squirmy thing with a head full of black hair the last time we met. Now your a full grown squirmy thing with long black hair." Revan choked back her tears and laughed.


" Your real. Your here. I don't know whether to hit you or hug you." Remisha admitted.


" I deserve the hit but would prefer the hug." Revan smiled.



Remisha hugged but as she let go she gave Revan a light smack on the head." I decided both."


" Figured that. It's exactly what I would have done." Revan said.


" Revan..Mother I have so many questions."


" I may answer some ,I may answer none but you can ask."


" Why did you leave me?"


" Not by choice. I had to keep you safe and then Malak attacked by ship and well the rest is known knowledge."



" Why leave me with Mandalorians?"



" Not ready to discuss that just yet."


" Is a Mandalorian my father?"



" No."


"Who then?"



" Admiral Saul Karath."


" Please tell me that's some sick joke."


" He is your father and he did not know you existed."


" Wh-Why ?"


" I think we have had enough chatting. I left a message for the Onasi men to find you." Revan said." Rest now ,dear child,"


Revan put her hands on her daughter's forehead." Now for a little trick Traya taught me. You will not remember this conversation until I want it remembered. "


Remisha tried to fight it but Revan was far stronger and eventually Remisha passed out and Revan kissed her on the forehead.She then turned to were she had been hiding in the shadows and said." Our work here is done.It has been awaked. We should leave before company arrives."

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  • 2 weeks later...

Carth and Dustil found Remisha unconscious in the abandoned apartment.


" Still breathing and a steady pulse. Look around the room though,the needles and chains. She was not brought here by choice." Carth noted.


" And whoever it was is a Force user. No signs of needlemarks or bruises. I sense a disturbance in her. She put up a fight." added Dustil.


" You got that friggin right." said a weak Remisha as she awaked. " The schutta actually thought she was stronger than me. She made me.Created me and used me like a machine. I remember Revan and I am far stronger than you.Nice try mommy dearest."


" Revan was here? She was the one that took you?" Carth asked.


" Yeah and what a revealing reunion it was." laughed Remisha.


Carth and Dustil looked at each other.Whatever had gone down had left an obvious effect on Remisha, a bad effect.


" Revealing how?" asked Dustil.


" You two have been great to me, trust me when I say somethings should be left unsaid." Remisha looked at Carth." You have been so kind to me Mr. Onasi when you really didn't have to.Because of that I will not down her in your presence."


" Not the best family reunion I take it." Carth said. Remisha shook her head no.


" I know you miss her Carth. She knows too. I sense a meeting between you two very soon. Don't worry Dustil she won't hurt him, physically anyway."



" She told you who your father was." Dustil said.


" Yep, and while I won't reveal his identity case I believe Revan should be the one who does that, I will say he was a bad guy and he never knew I existed.Maybe if he had known about me ...."


" We can't live in what if's we have to live in the here and now. Is your father still alive?" Dustil interrupted her.


" No, he is very much dead.Can we leave here? I could really use a drink or something."


Carth said." Yeah, you two go on ahead I just need a minute."


Dustil looked at him with concern but when Carth mouthed 'I'm okay' he took Remisha out of the apartment.A couple minutes later Carth said out loud.

" I know your here. I feel you, Revan."


Revan showed herself and smiled." Hello lover, It's been awhile. Did you miss me? "


She went over to him and gave him a passionate kiss.

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Chapter 9 : Reunion


* a bit, okay very mushy chapter



Carth wanted to pull away from the kiss but found himself helpless to her charms. Long he had waited to have his woman back in his arms. The perfume of lavender oil she wore intoxicated him. It was as if they had never been separated.Eventually he pulled away from the embrace.


" You have a daughter, why did you never tell me?"


" I only remembered her breifly before I left.Plus who her father is.I just didn't want you to hate either of us.There's no good reason for why I didn't tell you."


" Who is her father?"


" You don't want to know."


" Yes I do."


" I don't want you to know."


" Sweetie ,I really don't care what you want.You pulled a vanishing act for over a dozen years. Hid a daughter who you treated like a lab experiment.If we had had kids would you you have done this to them too! Who's her father!?"


" I never would have done that to any kids I would have had with you! You don't understand!"


" Then make me understand ,Revan!"


" She was born to die! For the galaxy to survive. I foresaw it when I had her.If there was even a remote chance for her to avoid this destiny I had to make sure ...." Revan was too choked up to continue.


Carth's face showed grief and pity. " You had to make the perfect soldier.Sacrifice being a mother to her to help her. She said her father was dead and did not know about her."


" Carth, her dad was a bad guy ,big time.I know I had no right not telling him but he only would have hurt her or given her to Malak.Who knows what Malak would have done if he had known I had a child with someone else."


"So she really isn't Malak's. It can't be that bad then."


Revan chuckled." Yes,it REALLY could.Who do hate more than Malak."


Carth went white." Saul?! You were with - him." the look on his face was a mix of betrayel and disgust. " My enemy. How long?"


" One stupid ,juma juiced night. One night that changed everything.We never loved each other.He was Malak's minion.It was never what I had with you.You were the real thing not a passing phase.I wasn't even twenty years old.I was still a child myself. I hate myself for betraying you before I even knew you."


Carth looked at Revan.Her anguish and guilt were no act.He actually felt bad for her.He could feel how torn up inside she was.


" Do you think that little of me.Do you really think I would hate the both of you? You made a mistake. It happens. I only wish she had been our daughter instead.I may not like the image of you and Saul but I would never hold it under Remisha's head."


" I don't think little of you Carth, I think little of me. I thought if I sacrificed myself and became a Sith I could save the galaxy. I lost myself and my daughter , everything over a battle we will truly never win."


Carth hugged Revan." You haven't lost me. Trying to get rid off me ,good luck beautiful."


They were interrupted by his commlink.It was Dustil." Remisha says we should let you hang around the apartment for awhile.She said she senses it would be good for you.I don't understand."


"Listen to that girl she's very smart." Carth smiled at Revan." Just like her mother. Pick me up in one hour."


Revan mouthed 'two'. Carth chuckled ." Make that two hours."


" Ooookay, I don't get it but okay.See you in two, Dad."


"Thanks,son." Carth looked lovingly in Revan's eyes." Now where were we." he said to her, then passionately embraced her.

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CHAPTER 10- A new beginning



Revan and Carth layed in each others arms.Revan sighed." They'll be coming soon."


" Come with us."


" I didn't plan too.Heck I didn't even plan on letting you see me but you are my weakness.Plans change. I think I will stay with you.Train Remisha myself.Then send her on her destiny. It will be up to her whether she survives for I will have done all that I could to help her. Plus I won't be in any condition to fight a war."


Carth looked at her curiously." What in the Force do you mean by that?"


Revan smiled." Second chances my Admiral,second chances.That's all that I shall say for now."


" Now I'm even more confused."


" We do have issues we need to discuss. I'm a warrior, Carth. A restless spirit. I'm more like Canderous than I care to be. Love blinded you ,Carth.You don't see it but you need to.I'm not asking a Republic hero to understand but I am asking for acceptence."


" Basically stop turning a blind eye when it comes to your past.Accept that you were a Dark Lady of the Sith and it will always be apart of you. "


" Yeah. You have to accept the me that you met and the me that I was.It's like a split personality being merged into one. The people around the person has to accept the good and the bad traits. They basically have to accept that the person they knew no longer exists, that that person is now merged into someone new."



" What do you think I was doing that whole year we were together.As I watched you remember your past and it did change you.I still loved you. I was gonna marry you but I knew you had demons to fight.You had to accept yourself first.I already had accepted you, you silly girl."


" Really?"


" Why do think I handled the Saul revelation so well .Because of you my eyes were opened to see the shades of grey in life. That it's not all black and white. I'm angry and want to hit the wall or a bottle of jumba juice but what would that have accomplished in the end. You would have run away and never have come back.All that I have been doing for the Republic has been for you. It was my only connection to you, to do as you asked."


Revan grinned." Well now that's not our only connection."


" True our kids are starting to follow in our footsteps. May the Force help them." Carth laughed.


Revan shook her head no." For the past hour I have felt we weren't alone."


Carth grabbed his blaster." Where?"


" Silly Flyboy," she grabbed one of his hands and guided it to her belly." Here."

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Chapter 11


It was nearing the half hour before they picked up Carth. Remisha knew Revan was there.She had felt her prescence.She had went inside Revan's head.She knew stuff now she wish

she didn't. She had been quiet and Dustil could since her sadness.


"Remisha something's wrong I can feel it. What happened?"


She looked at him so sad." My father is Saul Karath and I'm destined to die."


Dustil lost his breath for a moment." What?!"


She just sat in the co pilots seat as if she was dead inside." The man who killed your mother is my father. Gotta love the Force, cruel irony this is.I'm in love with you and this is so twisted

,it's not fair."


Dustil inhaled deeply then slowly let it out." Your not Saul, a silly Sith maybe. What do you mean your destined to -" he couldn't get the word die out.It hurt to much.


" It's why Revan did all this ,to protect me.She didn't tell me but I sensed it through the Force.Misguided as she was she honestly thought she was doing the right thing."


" Destinies change I believe that and ....I love you too.Since the moment I met you."


Remisha looked over at him." Then can you grant me one wish before life tears us apart."


He sensed through the Force what she wanted him to do.He blushed." Oh Force it. They could exile me from the order but I no longer care. When you were kidnapped I ...."He leaned over and kissed her." This is as far apart from you as I ever want to be." Remisha smiled.



Meanwhile in a certain abandoned apartment.....


" A baby, we made a baby.That's what you meant by second chances." Carth kissed Revan. " Marry me?"


" About time Admiral. Yes. Since I met you I have wanted you and 14 years apart didn't change that."


" So many years of suffering without you and now so much to look forward to.I love, I love, I love you"


" Probably best we marry before I start showing. Oh the scandel an Admiral and a Sith's love child."


" As long as I have you Revan I don't care what people think."


" My sweet flyboy." she kissed him. " To second chances."


A/N yes it's short but I had to ..ummm...edited out some stuff ,if you you want the complete chapter I can PM it to you


also since I suck at action sequences the fic will only say what happens to the characters after Remisha leaves and tells of Remisha's fate.Also on that note theres about only 3 or 4 more chappies left and the Exile returns in one of the upcoming chapters and here's a hint she's not exactly happy with Revan and finds herself missing Atton more than Mical .

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Knights of the Old Republic: Destiny

The Exile Returns

3 months later...


The Ebon Hawk arrived on Citadel Station's Docking Bay. The Exile exited the ship. She worked her way to Carth Onasi's office.Carth greeted her.


" Revan's on her way. The council also has been notified. Atton and Mical will visit you shortly." Carth said as he sat back down in his chair.


The Exile stayed standing.Revan came in.Revan saw the Exile's pissed look." Go ahead if it will make you feel better."


The Exile put Revan in stasis, a jedi power that makes the opponent temorarily paralzed. Carth sat there confused.


" When she decided to ditch me in the Unknown Regions she did this, only fair really.Don't worry Admiral the baby is fine."


" Carth look puzzled."How did you.."


" I can feel the baby through the Force. Strong in the Force it is." the Exile smiled. Revan started moving again.


Revan grinned." Feel better?"


" Yep." the women hugged. " Have you met your daughter yet?"


" Yes. We are slowly bonding.I'm training her before she leaves. Though an unexpected ummm..well something happened between her and Carth's son Dustil."


Carth chuckled. " My son and her daughter are making us grandparents."


The Exile laughed." Revan a grandmother now that is something I never thought I'd hear. Congrats to you all."


Carth smiled." Thank you. There is a double wedding in three days we would really like it if you came." The Exile looked at Revan, who nodded her head yes.


" I'd love to."


There was a knock at the door and Mical entered.He smiled when he saw the Exile. Revan however sensed something far different from the Exile.


" Carth why don't we let leave them to talk." Revan and Carth left them alone.


" Your back. Are you here to stay?"


" Yes. Mical we need to talk about us."


Mical looked at her sadly." Your heart has changed over the years. You missed somebody but it wasn't me."


She nodded her head yes." I think I liked you cause you only thought good of me.I loved how you worshiped me.However I think that blinded me to what I truly want and need."


" Atton.If that is what you really want I know I haven't enough power in me to change your mind."


" You always were a gentleman, problem is my heart yearns for a scoundrel."


" I shall tell him to meet you here.I'll go get him now." Mical walked out of the office and broke down in tears .


Atton walked up to him." What's wrong? I heard Hana's back. Is she okay?"


Mical looked at him." Treat her right." Mical then left.


Atton opened the office door. He saw Hana and sighed." Your okay. You are okay?"


Hana cried and through the Force told him everything.The scoundrel kissed his Jedi and hugged her tightly never wanting to let her go.

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Chapter 13





The double wedding took place without a hitch. Atton and Hana were married a few months later. Revan gave birth to a baby boy named Trask . Remisha had a baby girl which was named Raven.Remisha's joy of motherhood was short for she soon left for the Unknown Regions 6 months after Raven's birth.She was never heard from again. It is said that she sacrificed herself to delay the True Sith until the 'Chosen One' and his heirs could truly conquer them. Revan believed this to be true for she felt her daughter had become one with the Force. For 500 years there was peace.Trask and Raven grew up like brother and sister after Dustil died suddenly, though many said he died of a broken heart. Revan and Carth and the children eventually settled in Kraydor so Raven would know where her mother had grown up. Revan also revealed to Carth that Kraydor was her home planet. The Sith Twilek was killed by Revan. It was in self defense as the Sith was unhappy by Revan's actions and tried to kill her son. Revan and Carth grew old together. Carth died when he was 96. Revan died a year after his death, longing to be with her Flyboy.

The End


* i know I ended it 2 chappies early

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