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Jedi Academy Uninstallation Screwed Up...


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Hey everyone. I'd like to start out by saying I'm new to these forums, so hi. Anyway, I've got a really annoying problem. Several months ago I uninstalled Jedi Academy from my computer and afterwards deleted my academy folder in order to get rid of saves, custom models, and all that jazz.


Anyway, I've felt the sudden urge to play it, though a few days ago I went to install it and apparently it was still technically installed on my hard drive. Whenever I made an attempt to remove it, the uninstaller would quickly zip through the uninstallation process in a mere 3 seconds, and even though it had said the removal was successful, it was still there in my Add/Remove Programs window.


So I decided installing over it may work. What happens? I insert the CD and the launcher pops up, looking normal and all. It has the option to install, so I choose it, but when I do, it simply goes through the uninstallation process again.


Would anyone happen to know how to fix this problem? I'm stuck here bewildered. I've tried everything to get rid of it, first deleting files with regedit, then trying force uninstallers, and even copying the installation files from my CD onto my computer in an attempt to see if it would miraculously work...


If anyone has a solution, I would really appreciate it. I've been grumpy the past few days seeing as how this has happened. Heh. All thanks in advance.

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Uhh, err. Well I don't really see how I can hit play when I don't even have the files installed on my computer. The files have been completely wiped from my computer yet it still says that the game is installed. Though I've found somewhat of a temporary installation. I installed the game onto another computer and copied the files onto mine, but the problem is I can't install the patch or anything seeing as how it attempts to detect the game directory when I open the .exe file. I haven't been able to find a manual patch either, and that leaves me unable to install mods or anything of the sort, seeing as how they all require patch 1.01. :/

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