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[K1] Unique clothes for party members mod


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I'd like a mod which would do two things:


1. Add six unique sets of clothes for six party member which have their unique clothes displayed when wearing "clothing" armor,


2. Tell game to use one single model of clothes whenever aforementioned party member wear "clothing" armor.


Sounds kinda... confusing, doesn't it? Let me try to explain. As you are aware, whenever I put oridinary clothing on my party members, it mysteriously mutates to whatever trademark clothing said party member was designed with. And thus, Carth has his jacket, Mission has her vest, etc, etc. It's... not very realistic, isn't it? :) That's why I'd like to see party members wearing exact same clothes every time I tell them to put on "clothing".


And then, their unique trademark clothes could be used as models for unique set of clothes for each of them. Something like Atton's jacket or Handmaiden Robe from TSL - only they can wear their clothes, and their clothes give them bonuses to some abilities of saving throws or whatever.


As of right now, whenever you get new party member, you're like, "Oh, cool clothes. Oh, they offer no protection. I better give them one of those spare armor lying in my inventory." Which means all the hard work designers put into making those unique clothes is pretty much wasted. So I would like to give the player the incentive to keep new characters in their unique clothes my giving them some defense and other bonuses, just like in TSL.


So, what do you think about such idea?

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I'm working on a mod like this for Mission currently. Basically, for most armors she will appear with her standard clothing model, but with a texture resembling the original armor texture. I'm waiting to hear back from Redhawke since I may need his permission (my light armor textures were inspired by his mission clothing mod, but made by myslef) before releasing.


Example of a heavier Armor (appearance.2da column E)


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Is that Davik's Armor? That looks awesome tygaran - I will sure be looking forward to the release. sorry to take it off topic Kazeite...


@kazeite The idea is good -- you are right ab't the original clothing models looking cool, and essentially being useless in their current form. I don't have a lot of time atm, so I won't be any help, sorry. Are the NPCs' clothing models going to take up the j column (Revan's Robe) on appearance.2da?

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