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[TSL] Korriban: Fight... yourself


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This is an idea of a mod that I got when I played last time through Korriban. There in the caves you get to face various "demons of the past": The war, Malak, Revan...

I thought it would be interesting if you also had to face yourself. I think it would be fun to fight with someone with the exactly same set of abilities that you have.

Is it possible to code a fight with an ennemy that would have your stats, feats, equipement, looks and name?


Alternatively if this is not possible, then maybe you could just turn the looks of one of the Jedi that are with Malak so that he/she (that Jedi, not Malak) would have your face, name and your old lightsaber?


I think it would add to the eerie atmosphere of Korriban really well.

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This is an idea of a mod that I got when I played last time through Korriban. There in the caves you get to face various "demons of the past": The war, Malak, Revan...

I thought it would be interesting if you also had to face yourself.


You technically do face yourself already in the tomb, just not in combat. "You" are standing right next to Darth Revan when you enter the final room in the tomb, but fade away when the fight starts (unless you use a mod that makes the specter stay and fight you as well). :)


I think it would be fun to fight with someone with the exactly same set of abilities that you have.

Is it possible to code a fight with an ennemy that would have your stats, feats, equipement, looks and name?


It's not possible to make a 100% accurate copy of the player character, but you can fake it close enough. You can make something that looks the same, has the same equipment (as long as the player use items where the Tag and Resref are the same) and have the same feats, force powers, alignment, name and ability scores. You can't make the stunt double have the same class/level combo as the player character as easily though (unless you make a separate template for each possible combo of classes and levels which, needless to say, is a lot).


I did something similar to this in my Combat Sim Arena mod where you can fight your evil twin, and a force power that spawns a clone of you for a short while, and it worked fairly OK if used under the proper conditions (i.e. not using any modded items where he Tag/Resref are set to different values).

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Stoffe is there a mod that lets the Spector stay and fight you?And I believe you could easily fight yourself but It would have to be like 80%-95% of you...Hed have diff armor or robes most of your feats depending on level a lot of your force powers depending on Level and whatever allignment youll be hed be different..

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