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Free Camera


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All the xbox players here know (I hope) that there is a free camera you can access, is it possible to create a such thing for the PC?


For all you here who DON*T know what this free camera is, I'll explain: that's a 1st person look you can access by typing in some certain numbers/symbols on the xbox controller. It's a camera that you can swing away and explore everything, in some games it's called:

"noclip or spectator" or something like that.


I'd love it, thanks!

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I have an idea as to how it can be done.

Maybe stoffe or someone else can help you with this because this requires somewhat of a higher level of scripting genious. If someone can create a script that will dupicate the PC to make a copy that will just stand there, change the PC's appearance to invisible, move you 2m away from the PC copy and set movement to a faster speed, set the PC to invisible so that enemys cannot see you and then you can walk around as an invisible PC with a copy of what the PC should look like left where you were standing.

This should create the effects of walking around as a spectator sort of in 1st person view, just actually following something you can't see...


And to get back to the PC's "body" then you can have a script like

while(GetDistanceBetween(oPC, oPC_Copy) < 1.0){
//Some code to do the following...

oPC being the PC and oPC_Copy being the copy (duhh) then you can have the Copy PC being destroyed and the invisible PC returning to normal.


As i said i can't write some of this like dupicating the PC and im not entirly sure that i have that code ^ right. But its just an idea as to how you can do it ;)

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