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Project Dagobah


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I am the leader of a new project for Jedi Academy. We are working on a Dagobah map which includes atleast the following;


.yoda's hut inside and out

. The cave

. The X wing that can be lifted out of the swamp

. the swamp

. the vicious terrain of Dagobah.


Our Current team:


Juggernut , experienced mapper.


Iswer, modeler , mapper, musician .


Myself, graphics artist


Working conditions :


This is a flexible and considerate project. We consider working hours and student obligations. It's flexible in that regard , however we expect good work when any work is given. We will not tolerate anything but your best. When you need a break it will be given happily. We hold no bars around our work force but we will not accept slackers that in the long run forget the project all together. Therefor this project demands equal consideration to all members, you must inform atleast the head of the project ,me, of any work finished or delayed for this project. We are understanding of any "real" reasons as to why you can not work on the project at a certain time, there are no dead lines...but we will not allow any one to be "missing in action"


We are a happy bunch of fans just looking for talented moddlers and mappers, if you wish to join this growing project then please contact me here whenever you have time. Thank you.

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