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Karl Rove to resign at end of August


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WASHINGTON - Karl Rove, President Bush's close friend and chief political strategist, plans to leave the White House at the end of August, joining a lengthening line of senior officials heading for the exits in the final 1 1/2 years of the administration.

*silently hums "Ding-Dong! The Witch Is Dead" to himself for the rest of the day*

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I don't know if "circling the wagons" is a U.S.-only expression.


During the expansion of the frontier, families travelled via horse-drawn wagons. If/when they were attacked by native americans, they would circle the wagons to protect their own. The expression is still used even though the practice (theoretically) is not.

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First Rumsfeld, then Rove. This is getting good.


He should have been fired ages ago after exposing Plame. It's about bloody time.


funny thing, that nonissue called plamegate. Richard Armitage fessed up to leaking the name, Scooter Libby got sentenced for a flawed memory, but..by God..it was Karl Rove that orchestrated it. Where's the evidence to prove your accusation, DE? Oh, and didn't you forget to name Cheney in your conspiracy?

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