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Did Kreia Say....


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...that Revan was more powerful than Nihilus?


At any point did she make a quote anyone can remember even vaguely eluding to this?


Don't think it was stated directly, but it is kind of implied since the Trayus Academy (where Nihilus was at the time) was part of Revan's Sith Empire, and Sith usually aren't in the habit of bowing and submitting to the rule of someone who's weaker than they are.


So the Dark Lord Revan would have been stronger at least at the time she was the leader of the Sith Empire. It's possible the balance of power shifted some time after Revan was dethroned and Nihilus might have grown stronger over the following 5 years. At least his HungerDrain® ability seems to have grown exponentially stronger during that time. (Kreia would probably not know that either way since I doubt she has seen Revan since Malak's coup.)

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Nihilus isn't very good in debates (nor is Revan) since Revan never did anything besides killing a couple of average Sith Lords. Nihilus was defeated by the Exile but was able to swallow the Force energy of entire planets killing millions, strip the Force (temporarily, anyway) from Darth Traya, hold together a completely battered ship that would otherwise be destroyed and grounded if it weren't for his Force power, and he was able to control and enslave an entire crew that manned his entire ship. It's possible that while doing those last two things, he couldn't focus his full power on the Exile and lost. Also, because of Traya's plan, Nihilus didn't have any Jedi to feed on and was hungry, so he didn't have full power anyway.


He's just a wound in the Force caused by the Exile though, so it's hard to say that he would be stronger than Revan. It's far from impossible, though.

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