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retrexturing without replacement


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hi, i'm farely new to modding, but i'm starting a few very ambitous projects. anyway, one mod i'm starting with a friend of mine is a recruitment mod for K1. i made rough draft reskins for his head, but i can't figure out how to get them working in game without replacing the head they're based on. i know theres away to do this, i'm just not sure how. any help would be appreciated.

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Extract the .mdl and .mdx files for the head you want to reskin. Rename them however you want, but be sure to use the same name for both.


Open the .mdl in a hex editor (freebie HERE) and do a text search for the name of the original texture without the extension. You will get a few hits, but (I think) only one of these needs to be changed to the name of your new texture. I honestly can't remember which one, so you'll have to experiment or hope someone else can tell you :). I would also recommend using a name for your texture that's the same length as the original texture for the model. (I'm pretty sure I've read that MDLops can do this whole process as well, but I've never used it.)


Open heads.2da and add a new line at the bottom. Give it a new number in the 'row label' column and enter the name of your .mdl and .mdx files in the 'head' column. The other columns are used for your transition textures. The order, from left to right, is 4 darkside textures (from most severe to least severe) and 2 lightside textures (from least severe to most severe). The lightside textures aren't actually used by any of the heads in game, but they do work IIRC.


You can then use your new head number in 'appearance.2da'.


That may be more (or possibly less) information than you needed. Hopefully at least some of it will be of use ;)

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wow... thanks

The order, from left to right, is 4 darkside textures (from most severe to least severe) and 2 lightside textures (from least severe to most severe). The lightside textures aren't actually used by any of the heads in game, but they do work IIRC


you can have light side transitions. i've never seen that done. hmm....

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