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Stuck in Rubacava

Dim Fandango

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I have the following problem:


I used the panel in Manny´s office right at the beginning, and the police officer left the casino right away, saying he hopes to have more luck when he returns to the casino later in the evening. Now I´m at the end of the Rubavava part, and the only thing I still have to do is get Glottis away from the race track by having the casino closed, but the officer is not there. What do I have to do to get him back to the roulette table? Or did I forget something else? Thanks!

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yes, the police chief must be in there. First off are you sure you have done everything you needed to do in year 2? That means, are you sure you filled out the first three requirements to get on the boat (tools, union card, free spot).

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Don't worry about how you got the police chief out of your casino in the beginning, I did that and he still came back. Which of the three requirements to get on the boat did you last do? Where were you when you finished the last one and where are you now?


My advice for now, just to humor me, go to the cat race track and walk back from there to your casino. Make sure you check the roulette tables yourself to confirm he's there.


Otherwise, if you haven't talked to Max yet try talking to him now, and then walk back to your casino. I didn't have to do this, but I may have had a glitch.

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Manny's nightclub and casino are the same thing, you close both down.


Did you talk to the sailor, the one who keeps fishing you out of the drink? (what's his name people?). You have to talk to him to confirm you did all the things you needed to do to get on the ship, thus the only thing left is to get Glottis.

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I don´t want to confuse or stress anybody, I´m just a littlt frustrated because I can´t go on playing. UberSkull, as you wrote, I have to close down Manny´s casino/nightclub to get Glottis away from the racetrack. DuMan, I have talked to the sailor already, it ends with Manny saying he will go and pack his things. I am seriously thinking about playing the whole Rubacava part again without using the stupid panel in the beginning just to see if this was the mistake...

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There is Manny's Nightclub and Maximino's Casino, they are separate places. Glottis' credit at the casino is based on his part ownership of the nightclub. When the nightclub is closed then Glottis has no credit to gamble with and is kicked out of the casino.


It makes no difference if you have already used the panel in Manny's office at the start of the game. I have done this before and had no problems finishing the level.


Is Naranja pronounced dead by the mortician? or is he just sleeping at the tatoo parlour? Once Naranja is pronounced dead, then Membrillo closes the mortuary and goes home.


When using the panel in Manny's office, you should be able to hear the voice of Police Chief Bogan when he loses. This verifies he is gambling at the roulette wheel. When you press the button you can hear Bogan complaining. It is needed to press the button at the correct time to activate the magnet in the roulette wheel so that Bogan loses.

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Stupid me... I did everything necessary, but didn´t save everything. I have the patch and a tool to slow down the cpu, but now and then the game crashes and I have to restart. I have just checked the inventory and found that Naranja´s badge was still there, although I had already thrown it on one of the corpses before... However, thanks for your help.

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