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Question about CurSithLord option

Miles Edgeworth

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How do you change the CurSithLord option (in game)? Is it possible to make new CurSithLord options?


The game reads it from the GBL_MAIN_SITH_LORD global number variable and updates the swkotor2.ini file accordingly.


As far as I know there are 6 valid values of this variable, and I don't think you can add additional ones, since the game picks what model to use for the menu screen internally depending on this setting. So the best you could do would be to replace one of the existing but currently unused or rarely used ones, like Wicked Queen Atris or Nihilus with the Twin Sun dancers and ogling Cannok.


0 - Darth Sion

1 - Wicked Queen Atris

2 - Darth Nihilus

3 - Darth Traya

4 - Darkside Exile


Don't remember what number Nihilus and the Twin Suns use, if any, of it that is just a mod substituting one of the existing slots with an unused model. :)


The model files used for this are mainmenu*.mdl/mdx at least (where * is a sequential number).

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