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Effects didn't change!


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I'm new here and i have a problem:

I modded the .efx of the jetpack from ForceMod III. With EffectsEd i deleted the smoke particles and saved. After i PK3d it nothing happened to my effects in the game. There were still the old jetpack .efx with the smoke particles.

What did i do wrong? I search this forum for the whole day but i did never find an answer.

Please, help me!

Sorry for bad English :giggle1:

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I'm no effects master but if you saved it and pk3d it properly that should have worked(?). Have you pk3d it with the rest of forcemod or are you running it as a separate mod. Could something be overriding the new version of your efx file?


My hunch is the problem lies in the loading of the file and something overwriting the new file after it has loaded the new file (either from the original game or another pk3 somewhere). If the game loads another <filename>.efx file from another pack after it has loaded your new version (where the filenames are the same) then it will overwrite your new version.

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I edited the original file but i've tested sth.:

I deleted ALL *.efx the jetpack needs from my pk3s but the effects were still in the game. Where can i see what effects the jetpack uses? Nothing can override the *.efx because they come only with forcemodIII.

Thanks for your tips!

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